Russia unplayable

I keep having issues where I lose every single match I’ve ran 10 matches in a row and I’ve topped each list having all of the build points most kills and most cap points and STILL keep losing does anyone know why this is?

I’m waiting for the devs to out of nowhere lock this post lol.

There’s no Russia in the game. There’s only Soviet Union, comrade.


Time of day and BR dependant.

Been winning as soviets all week…but thats probably because I play BR 3 and the soviet line up is bonkers at br 3


That’s hilarious I’m actually playing br 3 its really fun playing germany because against russia I win every single match its genuinely hilarious.


Low Tier Sovies is pain right now

True but im playing br 3 which is technically mid tier?

No, you’re playing the magic tier. If you end up in Moscow, you’re in Low Tier. If you end up in literally any other type of map, it can be either Low or High because that’s how it works

You can get like a II-III or a III-IV or even a straight III if lucky, but the full match making is I-III and III-V. III-V is pretty easy and you’ll get carried…probably. I-III is…pain

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Uh huh…

In Europe, BR2-3 Soviets are dominating 90% of matches.


bro, thats very easy to win, just try to build a rally and go to capture


He is right ussr br IV-V is unplayable,… Lost 6 matches in row but br 1-2 is normal


The Soviet team is special in some places . Go to the ru or Euro server

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Sources? I gave up on russia just because of a super long loss streak.

Today I had the same experience on BR1-2, Germany was stomping.
But yesterday I won 4 out of 5 with Sovis so I’m surprised how quickly the trend changed.

You can look at my replays if you want proof.

its fine honestly its funny if I play germany I win 95% of my matches no matter what br

well, they got the most stuff out of everyone in the lastest update so that surely boosted the number of players playing for the Axis.

huh … thats funny thats always been the case for me since the beginning. Maybe thats just because I like axis more and do better as that faction but idk.

Don’t forget US vs EU servers
The zerg meta seems to be slightly divergent between servers