Hello gang.
I am relatively new to this game and the forums, I have a question.
Do you think we will ever get a RTS side to the game? Little background: I come to this game with 6000+ hours in a game called ‘Heroes & Generals’. What made that game popular, at least in the beginning was its combination of FPS (Heroes) and RTS (Generals)
Basically you could play games from the ‘War’ map where Generals bought the resources (inf, bikes, jeeps, apcs, recon units, tanks, planes, ect) using Gold (money currency) or Warfunds (earned in-game currency) for the battles and the Heroes played out the games with the resources set out by the Generals.
Seeing how EXTREMELY similar these two games are I was just curious if the devs have shown any interest in implementing this to the game?
I’m sure a lot of you guys here know H&G made by Reto Moto back in 2008 so yeah just curious if we might see this in Enlisted some day. I used to LOVE spending 2/3 of a day just buying resources for the Generals, moving those resources around on the War map, starting up battles for the big cities and even play those big battles for the cities where I placed a ton load of resources. I loved that there was a great FPS side (like Enlisted) but also the immersive real-time RTS side of the game.
Take care :^)