RO2 like features



everyone and everything and nothing

someone will always be offended


Not that picture but:

Firstly, detailed interior of tanks would result in a huge performance loss due to the amount of graphics, models and textures needed to be loaded into the memory.

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those are for when the turret gets blown up, happens when the amunnition is hit and you can see it ingame every now and then

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  1. No, not without other significant changes. The best LMG (IRL) in the game is the MG-42. Accurate, high ROF, light/portable, and good hitting power (rifle cartridge). Hell, the thing was used for decades with slight modifications. Only the M2 has been more ubiquitous. Anyway, to keep the MG-42 from just being the meta, they have to nerf it. In this game, I think it’s the bullet spread that is the main nerf, that and some vertical recoil. But IRL, one major drawback to the high ROF of the MG-42 is that the barrel had to be changed frequently. It was easy to do, but had to be done frequently. If they did barrel changes, then they would have to change lots of other balancing things they have done.

  2. I love the idea of taunts. Why not? It is more immersive. And rather hear a good taunt than the stupid “Hooooo” the Germans scream all the time.

  3. Sure, I guess. I’m not displeased with reload animations as they are.

  4. No thanks. As a gunner, I don’t want to take my eye off the reticle. Let the loader stare at the gun breech.

While then, why we have a functional plane cockpit?


they clearly don’t understand what a joke is… or maybe they actually work for them…

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I prefer a more serious tone, acting as professionals - “enemy soldiers to the northeast!” “Engaging!” “I’m under fire - getting down!” “Enemy down!” and similar reports regarding the situation. Maybe even some small-talk among the squadmates too. Cigarette? Though, that probably requires a bit slower-paced gameplay than what we have now.

This could fit if, say, the soldiers in your squad are poorly trained, and thus to compensate, they go for morale and thus - taunting - approach.

In Berlin, Volkssturm and Volksgrenadiers may be able to say something along those lines, but they are desperate armed civilians at this point, not blood-thirsty maniacs. Unless we believe that the endless allied carpet bombings made them insane?


The AI would have to act smarter though.
Like hiding from a sniper instead of STANDING OUT IN THE OPEN AND GETTING PICKED OFF ONE BY ONE.


Agreed. Just wanted to reflect on the fact that we need more voice lines from the soldiers.

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