Hello comrades!
With the golden ticket of the last battlepass i decided to get the RMN-50 for the battle of Berlin and i thought i would tell you guys a bit about it, incase you would concider buying it too sadly i cant add any video footage.
The RMN-50 is a rifle-grenade launcher ONLY FOR ANTI-TANK SOLDIERS, avialible in the battle of berlin and the battle of moscow. Its comparable to the Mosin Nagant Dyakonov grenade launcher in the moscow campaign, but unlike the dyakonov-grenade launcher, the RMN-50 cant be used as a normal rifle.
Here we go with the review:
The RMN-50 shoots and feels the same as the dyakonov grenade launcher
The RMN-50 deals the same damage as the dyakonov grenade launcher, but the RMN-50 got a MUCH BIGGER effective explosionradius than the dyakonov grenade launcher (the size of the explosion is small and looks the same as the standard handgrenades, but the range of the damage output is way bigger and further and can easily kill a lot of enemys at once)
The best way to use it is in the invasion mode while attacking the objective, because there will be many enemys at once at a position, the blast radius will be big enough to kill all of them.
The RMN-50 sould be used mid-range because the explosion will damage your soldier to the downed state if you shoot it shorter than 5 meters.
The RMN-50 carrys more ammo than all the other grenade launchers, it carrys 6 grenades at once while all the other ones only got 3.
The RMN-50 is the only grenade launcher which can be refilled with ammo boxes!
Important: The RMN-50 deals NO damage to tanks, vehicles or fortifications and should be used only against infantry!
These are the most important things you have to know before you buy the RMN-50. I hope you understood everything and i sincerly apologize for any mistakes in english, its not my native language I am glad i bought it and i enjoy using it. I hope i could help you with your decison, have Fun!
-Greetings Sergei