Rifles with trench mag

Rifles with extended mag/ trench mag were widely used in ww1 and lesser degree in ww2 to clear enemies in narrow places at cqc
Gewehr grabenmagazine (trench magazine 20 rounds) sniper model
Clipped on to the standard rear sight is a rare 2.5x Carl Zeiss “Glasvisier 16” bifocal scope
The bayonet affixed is the M1898/05 patterPreformatted textn, nicknamed the “butcher blade” due to its resemblance.
Can be an event weapon like gewehr warmod or premium.
But i really want to see standart 98 graben magazine as free bolt action (20 rounds)
Also some kar 98 had extended mag models
We have 3 event weapon, gewehr warmod but it was rarer than standart grabenmagazine.
Also brits and us designed their own extended mag rifles and even sniper model sprimgfields and einfield mk1
Mag size varies, some have 10, some have 15 rounds .

images (3)

images (4)


there are some trench models of weapons.

such as the kar 98 and few others that i’m missing.

but those are ( and some were ) primarely locked behind event, and pre alpha kickstarter support.

( another that i could find, was the Gewehr trench gun in the armory event )


We already have, but would like another distribution event.
Incidentally, the Japanese military was also developing a Type 99 rifle with a 30-round magazine.


I got wet now :heart_eyes:

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That gewehr is 25
20 round was way more common
I already have them but i need more of them

the point is,

they thought about it, and most likely will again with perhaps other weapons.

In order to reduces spawn they should make it 3 silver cost or somethin like that.

Already in game, but probably never will be aviable for public.
Because it was reward for those who backed the game during the crowdfunding period in 2016.


Then why not 10 round variants ?

15 ? 20 ? 30 ?
Allow me to introduce the Cei-Rigotti with the 50-round magazine because reloading is for noobs

(the one in the photo is probably the 25 version but there was also a 50 version but I couldn’t find any photos)
cei rigotti 2