Rifleman Buff

What’s the other points for then?

Ok - I’ll do it. It does feel weird, I must have “re-rolled” perks pre-merge hundreds of times to get the vitality, but I will do it. Even though I deeply resent having to “pay” to do it! :wink:

I’ll do this too. The consensus seems to be that additional levels of perk do have an additional effect.

That would be great! I’m on console too and I’ve never worked out how to set individual orders. Do I need to re-map commands?

This is me too! I must have placed AT mines, uhm - twice? And one of those was by mistake.

In other news…

I played a couple more BR2 German games in Moscow and managed to get my buffed rifle squad into two consecutive CPs. There were other squads capping too, but eight additional bodies really make a difference in capture time. And I saw them take hits and heal.

From our conversation 2 months ago:

Here’s the full math:
Down Chance Calc (no perk)

on_event=EventOnDownedThreshold –when HP hits <=0

let chance = hitpoints__downedKillChanceBase + hpProportion * hitpoints__downedKillChanceMult

let hpProportion = hitpoints__hp / hitpoints__deathHpThreshold

if dice < chance
hitpoints__hp = hitpoints__deathHpThreshold

hitpoints__downedKillChanceBase = 0.2
hitpoints__downedKillChanceMult = 0.5
hitpoints = 10 (or 13.5)
hitpoints__deathHpThreshold = -10

chance = 0.2 + (0/-10) * 0.5 = 0.2
chance = 0.2 + (-1/-10) * 0.5 = 0.25
chance = 0.2 + (-5/-10) * 0.5 = 0.45
chance = 0.2 + (-9/-10) * 0.5 = 0.65

Downed Chance Perk changes the following:

hitpoints__downedKillChanceBase = 0.2 - > 0.1
hitpoints__downedKillChanceMult = 0.5
hitpoints = 10 (or 13.5)
hitpoints__deathHpThreshold = -10 → -15

chance = 0.1 + (0/-15) * 0.5 = 0.1
chance = 0.1 + (-1/-15) * 0.5 = 0.133_
chance = 0.1 + (-5/-15) * 0.5 = 0.266_
chance = 0.1 + (-9/-15) * 0.5 = 0.4



….aight so anyone wanna turn that into english?

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Yes! (sorry I wasn’t on for a bit, I meant to get back to you sooner.)

As a console player I HIGHLY recommend remapping you controls. I’d say over half the commands I’ve remapped. It makes a big difference.

There is an option on the squad controls page i believe for it. I don’t have access to the game at the moment so idk what the exact name of it is, but it shouldn’t be hard to find.


Also keep in mind that the higher tier riflemen (Rifleman 3 I think) has an additional base perk for heal speed. Which combined with the perk setup I suggested makes them get back up almost instantly.

I’ll have look. I tried re-mapping just once in an attempt to make it easier to look out of the cockpit when flying, but it made it worse so I gave up! Time for another try.

Yup - I noticed that when I swapped out some Tier 2 rifles for max-score Tier 3’s.

Had an epic Moscow defence today where my team (Axis) were down to the last two CPs and the Allies still had 980 tickets. I only had one buffed rifle squad but there were several intense AP mine laying sessions and the rifle squad stayed alive in the CP significantly longer than the MG or assault squads. We wore them down and won! I used 12 squads in total and scored approx 5000 points - which is a very good result for me!

This is definitely working.

Yup. The options for alternative builds are there. Players just need to make use of them.
Just because something doesn’t have maxed out weapon handling and all the other meta perks doesn’t mean that it is worthless, and in this specific case (riflemen needing a supposed buff) its a matter of players only focusing on meta builds, and assuming they need a buff because the meta builds are not as strong on them.

This is the case for a lot of different things, not just riflemen. If you’d like to learn some other alternate builds, hit me up.