Rifleman Buff

I think Riflemen’s perk points should be buffed. As the “basic” class, I think they should have something more than just BR III rifle nades to make them appealing to use. Right now Rifleman III sits at a max of 7 points at level 1. I think it should be a max of 9. Possible more if anyone wants it any higher. I don’t think many people run Rifleman Squads, and I doubt many people have more than that single one who gets left unchanged in most squads. As the potentially most versatile soldier and squad type their value tends to be under appreciated. They should be the most common solider on the field. Not Assaulters or MG Men


I run rifleman squads in some BR’s and some factions. When you need bodies on the point they are your best bet. I think they already have a “buff” (which can also be a disadvantage) as they can have 9 men.

I think that’s enough as that alone is motivation for me to run them when suitable. Also, they can run some very powerful weapons in most factions.

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Their anti-tank grenade rifles can destroy almost any ground unit
In addition to the top German and Soviet tanks


It’s quite useful once you are able to kill tanks consistently with them once mastered.

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Maybe we should balance the time to get riffle-men 3 for USA because they just get them at the end of the tech tree and in the other end german get them in the middle of tech tree

Pretty sure that’s cause we only have up to III and I think Germany has a higher tier than that

Germany get riffle man at tier 3 and the american get at tier 4 after we almost get all the garand avaiable

Ah gotcha. Weird then

Best buff would be ability to run 2 engineers AND an AT gunner, instead of the other useless options

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Those aren’t Riflemen, but yes diversification of the squad is important

I guess its a big part of why I’m not using riflemen squads - the possible soldier types combination for oit are just shit imo

I liked it when I started the game, and I used it for a long while. Then I learned that I didn’t actually hate the SMG’s in this game and started running Assaulter Squad with my MG Squad
Now you have my current set up of Assaulter, MG, and AT

Buff to the class, I don’t think so, but it would be nice if a exclusive building was added to the rifle squad


Or a capture speed with riffleman 3 like 1%

Oohhh but what would that be…mmm. Something to think about during work I suppose

Maybe like a small howitzer or something? I mean we already got AT Guns, AA’s, HMG’s, and MMG’s covered. All that’s left are artillery pieces. Field Guns, Howitzers, etc

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I would disagree. I see them frequently, and in the case of Japanese for example, there are a fair number of people (myself included) using multiple squads of them.

For a couple of reasons.

  • I use them to carry large quantities of mines. On Japan for example, I have 4 riflemen squads equipped (yes I purchased squad slots, no I don’t apologize to F2P players)
    I have 2 squads set up with AP mines and 2 squads set up with AT mines. Why?
    Because especially on Japanese, the mines are needed in order to even have a chance of victory.
    On top of that, I can set the mines then send my guys forward to the objective while I work on setting things up with an engineer. They provide enough presence to help buy time while i fortify.

  • “Zombie Squads”
    If you set up riflemen squads with medkit use speed, health restored by medkit, and more likely to be knocked rather than killed, plus a large backpack with medkits, that squad will be FAR more effective than people think.
    They can clean up a route that was mined, keep an MG position busy, swarm opponents, etc.
    If they have bolt actions they are also pretty effective at cleaning up enemies as well.

I see a fair number of players (on console) using these same type of tactics. They make riflemen fairly effective.

Of this I agree.

Overall, if the game gets slowed down a bit and pushed more toward strategic play rather than just run-and-gun, you will likely see a wider diversification of squads. However, until then, I’m afraid its just going to be the meta 5:

  • assaulters
  • MGs
  • Flamethrowers
  • radio operators
  • paratroopers
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I am always for slowing the game down. I think all cap times should be increased and all tickets increased as well. Make the matches last longer


I would think something that would promote their front-line position.

My best suggestion would be perhaps a log bunker.

  • Durable, with a roof on top to protect from ordinance.

  • Have narrow gun slots on the sides that height wise match up with a standard MG nest, or a player bracing their weapon in it. Promoting synergies would greatly help the game.

  • Can be placed in a player dug trench, perhaps have some degree of auto- leveling mechanic added with it so it can be built on a surface that isn’t 100% flat without being tilted.

Something like this would be EXTREMELY useful for both offense and defense.


  • Grenades should NOT break it.
  • TNT charge placed on the roof or inside can break it.
  • LARGE caliber HE shells need to hit inside it to break it.
  • Artillery and aircraft must direct hit in order to break it.
    • Can be repaired from its damaged state, which may appear as the roof had been blown off. The sides may appear a bit broken as well, but the structure doesn’t entirely disappear.
    • Once in a damaged state, it can be deconstructed or destroyed by running over it/ through it with a tank.

It functions much like sandbags would, giving a small amount of points for blocked bullets, but perhaps a larger amount of points for protection from explosions.

NOTE: It should not be able to be deconstructed by AI. Otherwise players trying to order their AI to go there would likely break it down, much like the other issues we face with friendly AI breaking down fortifications rather than “using” them.

What do you say @Bigote0070 , does this sound like the kind of unique structure that would work well for the rifleman squad? Going the route of defensive structure rather than some kind of direct weapon emplacement.

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As long as defenders are allowed a chance to set up a genuine defense and not have to essentially play offense while on defense, as well as unique ways for attackers to break through fortifications (such as satchel charges or bangalore torpedos), I’m all for more tickets to attackers.

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