Well as BR 1 vehicles they can actually join the fight as semi tanks - if there actually would be better SPAAs in the game this wouldn’t be an issue.
Nice. @James_Grove can we expect a sneak peak of the new maps of the upcoming major update this week?
How about adding jeeps and cars to Riders this would significantly bolster its popularity
will the 3rd guy be behind the rider? i know it a stupid question from me but im really curious
I want to ask.
Will this also be fixed? Premium bikers really suffer from this, as they are one of the few classes that can have multiple interesting weapon types.
But as soon as I give them the two weapon option, it blocks the backpack slot on the enginer.
Patience is key…
i bet it 2 day after event conclude, i’ll be waiting with my question ready (if it a test server)
wait the major update is this week?
Such wise words were never spoken.
Most likely the test server is going to be released tommorow. That would be perfect since most people will get to try it out during the weekend.
it’s great, but what about the German side, to transfer some summer uniforms from the Stalingrad/Rhezav map to the Berlin and Normandy map, it would be great and I would like a better variety of clothing, and I think that even a bunch of people want to dress the soldiers better to make them look authentic
that would be ideal yea but i kinda hope not, i havent buy the pre order yet and i dont want to wait 1 whole year for it
Why? you questioning the wisdom of soon™
Don’t worry. I think the major update will release by next week (most likely after 11th December when the current event ends) at the latest.
Last test server also open on Friday, so most likely
cool idea
Are you going to do something about SPAA vehicles? They shouldn’t be taking precious vehicle tank slots. You should also remove their overheat mechanics reload is more than enough (overheat should be also be much less punishing on tank MGs)
well i can only hope my pre order question get answer this time cause i want M26 T99 but as a single purchase
Sir, I cannot fathom of committing such a heresy. Lest I am banned forever from the Kingdom of the
Yep. I am curious as to what was changed with the M1944 Hyde Carbine. They did mention about tweaking the stats a little bit.