QoL - Premium engineers, unlock backpack slot

Premium engineers should not lose the backpack slot if the player chooses to allow the premium squad to use two primary weapons.
This lacks any logic, please correct it.

(btw. this was suggested several times already, so stop ignoring this issue!!!)


Never noticed this :thinking: does it occur with any other premiums?

Would be nice to also get more fallschirmjäger customization for all these ground fallschirmjäger units for different map locations.


I assume yes. Lot of people already complained (i saw similar topics when I was creating mine).

But I haven’t really used two primary weapons option often.
I just wanted to give these soldiers FG for the sake of being paratroopers (larping reasons) + some smg for squad wiping.

Now I am at work, so I have no way how to check it on other squads.

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These two units i believe have zero customization available.

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I just checked. Yes, it does.


Hi @Adamnpee

This has been forwarded to developers. As always keep in mind this is not a promise of a change, the developers will consider this suggestion.

Thank you :slight_smile:


Thank you, Shiivex.

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