Reworking old locations: A walk around Berlin

Yeah, I know it wasn’t in Berlin. That basically started the battle of Berlin.

But for some reason I just thought the bring them into the city then, at this was just easter egg.
Seems like not, since the Searchlights are German. Kinda meh, but whatever.

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This is great news but I hope to see changes to problematic maps/modes. You guys prob have the data to see the win rate or you can look at the data and see, “OK this objective too hard to capture or to defend”. There are so many maps where attackers dont even leave the first point because you have to traverse an open field.

Looking at this kind of data, perhaps you can adjust the spawn point or add cover the help the faction in need advance/defend.

A lot of maps are like this in Tunisia, the spawn points are so far away, by the time you even get to place a rally point you have to trade in 100-150 points just to get in proximity. Or the play area perimeter for attackers is so small you have no flanking routes or flank rally points, you are forced to brute force and lose this way.

Or the refill points for planes on some maps is so far, that the attacking team don’t really get any air support, like on tunisia or pacific, when you have to fly 3000 meters with a plane that has the speed of a school bus. You start to question if it’s even worth it to go back and forth 3000-4000 meters to do the bombing route.

Small changes can have big impact. Adjusting the spawn point, adding a rock here and there, changing plane route, adjusting the perimeter area for defenders/attackers to open up opportunities or limit defender’s aggressiveness etc

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it is not immersive having piles of debris in the hermann göering strasse. There is no buildings nearby where the piles could have come


Maybe it is supposed to be improvised cover - rubble placed on purpose.

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did the fix the gray zone bundries being shit in berlin forcing you to go on set paths in the maps

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… … …

Give me a refund or give my money back ?

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They could have placed more anti tank traps, obstacles, dead tanks, cars and other instead of rubble.

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We are talking about 1945 - Germany was lacking in everything, except rubble, rubble was plenty around.

But the rubble is in unrealistic place. There is no buildings nearby where the rubble would have come from

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German citizens could easily move rubble into different place to prevent Russian tanks move freely around the city.

That’s literally what barricades are, just in bigger scale.


I dont think thats what happened. It wouldve taken them too long and there is no bulldozers around. Laying couple of hedgehogs would have been much easier and simple. The devs probably wanted to add some cover without thinking any further

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what if you fix things like tanks spawning at the start of the game on the right side of the bridge basically spawnkilling 8 squads defending bridge?
No, you decided to remove covers from various maps to make playing objective even more irritating and call this a rework. Camping snipers and consoloids would love you, i understand that, those guys are 50% of any “team” anyways