Rework of German Camouflages in the Stalingrad Campaign

Rework of German Camouflage

The camouflage currently available to players in the Stalingrad campaign is lacking, incorrectly made and ahistorical. The most flagrant example of this is the Erbsenmuster, or Pea Dot Pattern, which was only made available in 1944 (the Stalingrad campaign spans from mid-1942 to early-1943).

Of the available camouflages, besides the Pea Dot pattern, there is an unidentified tannish camouflage and an oversatured Zeltbahn (aka Splinter Pattern) camouflage, only available in helmets.

My proposed solutions are to:

  1. Change the present camouflages to the following types respectively:
    Platanenmuster Summer and Autumn Patterns and the Splittertarnmuster 1939;
  2. Give jackets/blouses, trousers and/or smocks in the same camouflage scheme

Below are the following representations of said patterns in game [disclaimer, I’m no PS-expert]

Currently available camouflages in the Stalingrad Campaign

Historical camouflage patterns

Representation of said camouflage patterns in-game

Thank you.


i mean, historical accuracy is a lost cause.

but i surely like having more camouflage for our soldiers. and above all, having matching colors of the uniform and pants …

since currently… out of the 3 camouflage that we have, only one matches :confused:


Yeah agree plus dont get how they can go so wrong with flecktarn while tankist have the right tone …

Representation of matching torso: