Rewards, battle tasks, changes in progress and logistics for squads and soldiers

7 with 3 assaulters

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yeah its late war but THATS how squads should look like


The system is still not implemented yet

And they said they’ll add more specialized units

@51084259 @4614332 @_31420124242011 are you really okay with having 7 assaulters in one squad?

It says 7 man with 3 assaulters. So even less than now.

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LOL, ETS2? Verdun? Tannenberg? ARMA3? Why these paid for once still get updates years after their launch?
DLCs? Do the DLC affect your existing gameplay if you dont buy them?
But if you dont buy the P2W stuff here, your game experience will eventually be decreased by those who paid more.

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Making historical accurate squads will never be balanced anyway I don’t get the idea of making them historical accurate tbh

I’m ok with more specialised units as long as they are ballanced properly.

We are talking about normal squads, not premium ones (that should be removed in their current state).

Because you’re wrong about the number of assaulters and the overall size of the squad?


I was just saying I agree with you (overall) techof

You are again picking and choosing specifics, you showed the full list and said there was no problem with any of them whilst having one of the most heavily monetised games installed, but that is beside the point.

A Battle Pass can be a pretty decent method and we can always suggest changes to be made, I am by no means saying any system currently being used is necessarily good, I definitively think the premium squad price should be reduced, at least on OBT, but don’t just shout about something that can be decent, say what you like and don’t like in a calm, reasonable manner and it will be worked on.

To many I may come off as a shill for Darkflow, but that is only because I have to shout as loud as all of you to not just shit on a dev team that do listen to constructive feedback. If we get past that, then we can discuss our personal grievances with the state of things in a professional manner.

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sorry I guess

@5762269 @47094123 @32883447 @_31420124242011 @VoyoMayPL
Sorry it seems I didn’t see the ‘‘hidden file’’

I will delete my previous comments


I even posted it for you AAAAAAAAAAA

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No problem :slight_smile:
Just slow down a bit next time before you start fighting with everyone

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You came in already swinging, Tchof


Okay :ok_hand:


You should have asked me if I found the file but okay

The main reason why I got angry at first place is because people were looking at weapons from my pictures more than they were looking at squad placement

When it comes to squads, Im more curious what is going to happen with premium squads… throwing 7 LMGs or 7 SMGs into battles adjusted by this system is only going to make things worse.
Also I find it weird that snipers should have only 5 men with only two actual snipers, its not like they are anywhere near decisive force to be limited like machinegunner squad where it makes sense.

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While it is historical, These tiny maps devs never want to improve are unusable for snipers

I think I should make a PART 2 of my We need better maps (The end?) suggestion

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I play games for fun, relax and knowledge.
Fun of this kind of game like Enlisted should be immersiveness, and from playing a match itself, and from the content that delivers. Enlisted now immersiveness is very poor. And the constant unbalance issue, high ping caused by the bug, terrible controls, movement and aiming bug, ladder bugs, aimbots’ AI, etc. All these guarantee the game experience isnt good. Also all kinds of RNG stuff breaks the immersiveness.
Relax? I have already tired of facing daily sign in real life. Also the DDLs gives me a terrible experience of all things have to be done within time limits. The various tasks and out of print reward already is a way of forcing player to play. it’s just not a too direct way of telling players to play.
And knowledge? This game is now faking lots of stuff, losing its “realism” titles. From changing weapons’ damage for a balance, to let those not in service weapons appears in game’s battlefield. Also due to lack of immersiveness then I dont have the motivation to search the background knowledge of the battlefield. “realism” is not simply recreate by “hey, this model was used back then.” But “this model is very common in the past so we should let them also common in game, if this model rarely seen in the past then the game shouldnt let them be a common stuff”.

And as for premium squads?
Their composition is problematic even now, I can´t imagine what they would be capable of after this.
Unless same limitations are applied even for those.

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