Reward players who do not lose so many soldiers

so they afk at spawn and get free exp ?
Well that definitely works, why the fk no one else thought of that before.

Honestly, if there was a way to force punish dumb people / players I highly doubt you would be here.
No offense.

This isnt csgo that has dedicated playerbase.

If I had to adapt to HLL / PS playstyle over the current arcade, I simply would play the HLL / PS then.
So, obviously no.

They dont have to. They can camp, they can host teaparty in spawn, draw dicks with funny hats with bullet holes. They can do what ever the fk they want, no one stops them.
As we speak, you for example can play in anyway as you wish, you can camp, you can throw smokes and pretend to be real tactical mastermind or what ever the fk you want.
Entire point was that those who play the objective by zergrushing are by far more valuable players than few “HaTLErSniPEr9000” who gets X amount of kills with 0 fking value.

There is already games that fits the criteria.

That I can agree on, mostly due to hatlersniper9000’s.
Which is why we have been asking for proper matchmake quite some time now.

Sounds quite obvious considering the other team is usually the defending team.

Yeah, its quite hard to win attacking side by campping against camppers.

Well that would make your entire argument irrelevant.
People would still zergrush but would just get less XP, so your suggestion wouldnt do anything but harm.

And ? If he wants to play tank he will play tank. Simple as that.

Thats pretty much what planes are good for. Take out the tank → Proceed as infantry as your more useful as infantry

Did it ever occur to your mind that perhaps we like the fast paced action ?

Why the fk are you here then ?

If I recall there was the super hardcore ww2 milsim, where you actually had to drive munitions to artillery guns. Technically it was close as ww2 you could get on your home PC.

Yeah, that game died.

How many is in favor for your suggestion and how many is against it.
Just stop to think that for a few seconds.


You make a lot of dumb presumptions

First is that what I’m suggesting would completely ruin the game you enjoy. Which is completely false. Players do like the fast paced action, but some players also like the slower pace, and the game does currently have both those styles catered for.

Your mistake is presuming that I want to completely destroy one in favor of the other. Which is completely wrong on your part.

Right now, there is a super speed of gameplay, which encourages players to go through their squads faster than they would normally would if they didn’t feel that was the fastest way to xp gains. And that is all that I want to slow down a little bit.

And that wouldn’t even stop you from doing it.

You can still go zerg crazy, because you like that style. Nobody is stopping you with any of my suggestions.

All these suggestions do, is make people stop to think if that is the thing they want to do.

Because right now, that is stimulating a very dumb style of gaming for them, and it is actually not as rewarding as they think it is. As those bad players are actually finishing lower on the standings and getting less xp than the smarter campers, who know when to run in and when to clear a threat.

All these suggestions do, is stimulate players to use their brains a little bit.

All your other extrapolations and false assumptions are irrelevant false exaggerations and are your own delusions falsely attached because you are in disagreement and prefer to invent ridiculous stories and reasons than face the reality and benefits these suggestions bring to the game

You don’t have to worry, the suggestion won’t kill the game for you in any way, you can still do everything you do now. You don’t have to panic and lose your mind over a suggestion that helps the game while not impacting you negatively in any way.

takes special kind of stupid to see that screenshot and draw all those conclusions.

  1. it is not me. but someone at start of the topic who simply stopped wasting his time discussing this topic with you.
  2. he is on defending team, so kills matter for him. and kills on cap. he is not attacker. only way how to see defender contribution is to see his kills on cap. he needs to be clearing cap and thus contributing to the victory of defending team.
  3. defenders have UNLIMITED tickets and attackers have limited tickets. just killing defending team on cap is doing absolutely nothing cause they have no price to pay for dying and that is why we are talking that zerg rush is best way to to win the game as attacker. killing attackers is contributing to victory of defenders, but they also must be on cap defending it so attackers cant cap it.
  4. if you look at first 2 and 4th and 5th player from that screenshot you will see they had lots of kills and low death count, but they actually contributed minimally to win cause they werent on cap and that is why they lost. 3rd, 7th, 8th and 11th contributed most towards victory (even if they got defeated) cause they were capping the objective.

Regardless of who it is, the point and fact remains, that team won because that elite player slaughtered too many of their point zergers. And the camper finished with more xp, proving everything I am saying about dumb blind rushing. They quit arguing because they have no valid relevant argument.

  1. It is obvious that the defenders have unlimited tickets. There are cap points and matches where the defenders do not need to go into the cap point because the attackers never make it there, or if they do, they are killed without the defenders needing to go into the cap zone. So this idea that defenders must be in the cap zone to win is not set in stone by any means. I see it regularly in matches being the case.

Multiple squads of clueless people who think that just standing around on the point is the way to defend, then they all die to one grenade. That does nothing to help the defenders. Only makes the assaulters laugh at how dumb those defenders are.

  1. A player finishing with more caps than another player does not signify that player being superior if he lost more squads, killed less, had less on point kills and finished with less xp.

You might think great, there is a guy that will be on point to cap. But if he finished so low, it is for the reason that he did not contribute much towards his team, and if they lost. Well that tells you that all the players above him were better, because they did more than him. Being on cap has no meaning if you lose to the other team because you died too much and didn’t kill enough.

campers finished with more xp? true. still nothing proved about rushing. no they quit arguing cause you are too stupid to argue with.

player with most caps doesnt mean that he is most skilled player, but that he is player that understands objective. you cant win by camping and killing defenders that have UNLIMITED tickets. only way to win is to zerg rush it and get as many attackers on cap point and keep it for that minute till they manage to cap it.

no. they got more xp cause they camped and killed from safety. just absolutely shit game mechanic. they did absolutely nothing for achieving win condition. they could have all gotten 500 kills and still they would have lost cause they didnt get into the cap. they managed to cap 3 points, not cause of their camping, but cause of those 4 players that were constantly rushing to cap it. if rest of the team helped and rushed together with them, they could have overwhelmed that player who farmed kills and just easily capped. but they stayed behind and camped, while those 4 players somehow managed to cap.


You literally asked punishmet for playstyle that doesnt fit your needs.

You literally asked your camppers to get more benefits and punish the fast pace players.

Yeah, we dont. Just incase you somehow did not notice it.

No your asking punishment for it.

Lets put it this way, Im not asking you to get punished or trying to change your mind even less trying to change your playstyle.
All im asking is when ever you camp or post at forums you get 7 days cooldown aka ban.
You are still free to do what ever you wish.

Thanks, we really need someone to tell us what we want and im absolutely sure you are exactly intelligent enough to be the one who tells us what we want.

Really, thanks.

Thanks mom, you know whats best for us.

I cant even count how many games ive lost with these super minds.

I know one who could for once do so.

Theres people who have played the game over a year and are somewhat familiar with the current meta.
Pretty much everyone agreeing your suggestion is absolute trash.

Then we have you, absolute mastermind telling us to use brains.

Il just leave that there.

Perhaps not, but will impact negatively my lovely zergrush n00bs.
Imagine being capable to think beyond yourself.


This is where you are mistaken and totally wrong, as attackers you can win by killing many more defenders, and then any useless bot can get the objective and cap. Even a player roleplaying as a conscientious objector could rack up caps in that scenario, and it happens. Doesn’t make that player a good player or understanding anything better than anyone else.

No, the examples I showed clearly demonstrate that those campers also had more on point kills.

This is what some of you seem to not be connecting.

You cannot win on point if you do not deal with the problems covering the point.

Anyone without a defective brain could work that out

It’s not my needs, it’s the games needs.

You just disagree because you like the playerbase behaving like braindead lemmings.

It is actually you that want the game to cater to that and to you

But then you complain when they are on your team, it’s so funny that you cannot work out where you are wrong

This game doesnt need you.


Show stats @114838060


You are right, but it also doesn’t need you. However, it could need me, you don’t know how much I could offer to this game if I were prepared to do that.

However the topic is not about who the game needs, as much as a suggestion that would help reward smart play, and stimulate players towards improving their playstyles, thus improving the overall game quality.

You being opposed to that with braindead retorts offers zero value to what could have been an intelligent debate.

I get it, you don’t like it. But offering dumb arguments doesn’t help support your personal view, it just exposes it and makes it appear even worse than what it already is.

You may THINK it’d reward smart play, but it’d just encourage the playerbase to snipe and use vehicles MORE.

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nah… it is exactly you that is offering braindead retorts. you are constantly talking about softening enemy players and then going into cap, when there is rally point 40meters behind constantly refreshing defending players and keeping the cap hard. there are 20 very good players constantly telling you that it is impossible to soften the cap cause of constant flow of reinforcement and that camping is stupid thing cause this is ZERG RUSH ARCADE. there is no tactical approach cause defenders have UNLIMITED reinforcements, while attackers dont, so it is in attackers best interest to actually capture the objective before they run out of reinforcements. even if you kill 5 players for every player that enemy kills, enemy is still in advantage cause they can get reinforcements in 5-10 seconds cause they have rally point 40m from cap point. and you will not get in cap in that 5-10 seconds from your camping position.

i am not saying that player with 20 deaths and 5 cap points is good player. but he is better for winning than 500 kills player with 1 death that is sniping and camping from behind.

you are not connecting that almost every kill will be on point kill for attackers cause defenders gravitate towards cap point. unless they are far in front of the cap, or on flanks, defenders are mostly on cap and few meters around it and you will get cap kill.

here corrected that for you

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I know it would reward smart play

Players already use snipers and vehicles, but the dumb players who just run at bullets have no incentive to improve, so they just run around getting mowed down for nothing. This would make them think before playing like that.

They aren’t helping anybody by running around losing 20 squads and barely getting 20 kills.

If they had to think about conserving their deaths more for a better reward, they would be more thoughtful to how they play and those that continue to run at bullets would get less rewards and make them realize they cannot simply run at bullets, as that does not work and there is no incentive to do so.

If you are attacking and you have allowed the enemy to still have a spawn that close to the point, that is the reason why you are getting pushed back and getting slaughtered and why you lose so many squads, because you don’t understand the source of your problem

That is the difference between us, you accept that spawn point and think you have to just run at the objective and die repeatedly. Whereas smart players like me will take out the spawn points and push the defenders back, so other weaker players and bots can get easy caps on the points behind us.

It is the opposite on the defenders side, the best defenders push the attackers back so that they cannot get near the objective. It is all about territory control. Running mindlessly in a zerg rush only works against bots and weak teams.

But the smart players have convinced you that is the best way, but really they just want you to be the meat shields :rofl:

Rest my case on all accounts. Thank you for admitting you are not qualified for this discussion.

I can dismantle all your dumb arguments because they are not arguments, they are an unfounded ideology backed by a narrative that dumb people buy into, it was made to keep you dumb so others can benefit from that

Still waiting for the stats.


on what drugs are you? allowing enemy to have spawn close to the point? ffs there are almost always 2-3 points where rallies cant be destroyed unless you either kill them with plane or you go in point blank range.

you are talking about destroying cap point 40m behind cap, when you are camping and are not even capable to go into cap point. you expect to destroy rally point 40m away from cap point with all soldiers in between? fucking bullshit.

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If you think survivability should be granting more rewards then you’re playing the wrong game. If anything you’re one of the problems that the veteran fanbase has to deal with because of how unproductive you are to the team. Like many of what my peers have shitted you on about, you most likely have a shit time-to-kill ratio because this isn’t comparable to the known arcade-like shooters such as Battlefield and Call of Duty. Depending on how many times you miss killing 1 guy, you have to be aware that it would not make a difference as the time-to-kill ratio is demandingly higher thanks to the squad mechanic.

You also keep shitting on players who die a lot and getting a shit K/D ratio. Well guess what? Who fucking cares? Chances are it’s 1 of the following:

  1. Some player who wants to win, but knows they’re shit yet they play the point to support to their main carry/carries.
  2. Some player who’s using new squads so they only have 3-4 guys to cycle, which is totally understandable if they’re trying to unlock the engineer to build beacons for mindless sub-humans like you to leech on.
  3. A bot.

Wow holy shit, a bot actually knows how the game works compared to you. It can’t play the point properly, but at least it’s playing the point unlike you who’s most likely missing 99% of all shots and the 1% is just a white tick mark.

I get that new players get shredded to shit because they don’t have the equipment to fight some sweat lord like me, but the OHK mechanic on bolt-actions gives them a better edge than they did in previous updates. This was arguably added to encourage them to play the point more frequently so they could kill some guy with a FG42 and maybe steal the gun for their own use.

Again, your suggestion is really shit and deserves the backlash from the veterans here. Why don’t you give it some thought as this isn’t supposed to be some long ass military sim like Hell Let Loose or even Arma. But hey if you want to keep sticking your head up your ass thinking that you should be rewarded for surviving longer than the rest of us because the grind is too long, then that’s too bad.

P.S. if you want to counter-argue that my assumption, then post your stats while sending me a reply. :slight_smile:


Well it’s shit according to people who have no logical reason to justify that conclusion

Especially given that you already play with mechanics that reward camping tanks which finish top of the leaderboard, and mechanics that reward air superiority. All of which results in those players having superior kills to deaths over other players.

And you are right about one thing

There is a huge gap in gear of newer players starting out, including free to play players and the vets with all the powerful tools and toys.

But I am not here to shit on anyone except players who try to convince other players that running at bullets with infantry squads repeatedly is a good idea. When obviously it’s not.

And to stimulate this pathetic culture in the game to change so that the game rises in standard.

But all I see is these people who have an insufferable elitist complex and all they want is the other players to remain dumb, so they can get easy kills and wins

They only want easy wins against easy players, and any suggestion that help encourage players to improve is attacked. Because these people are very insecure and afraid of competition. As evidenced by the emotional backlash.

Making your own irrelevant points and stories as if I said it, does not constitute what I am saying.

That is only the wrong thing you think I am saying, because you want to replace what I am saying with what you want people to think I am saying.

Typical of people who are brain dead and closed minded to improvement.

We all want a better experience, at least we can agree on that.

But if you think that having dumb team mates that play like bots is the best for those players, we are not in agreement. You might aswell go play single player with bots if that is what you want.

I want this game to be a good world war 2 online shooter. Not a military sim, not a camp fest, but also not a game of mindless zombie zerg rushers that only know to run at bullets and get mowed down.

If that is all you want, great, that is your opinion. You can have that. But this is my opinion and suggestion. And neither you or anyone has made any valid points that would make me want to back off the suggestion. And it still stands as an excellent suggestion.

No, it doesnt.

How the game functions / meta has been now explained to you clearly as it in writing can be explained.

Next someone probably makes a coloring book for you about the subject but untill that comes out Im quite sure theres nothing more to discuss with you.

“Hey GuYS I got tHIS idEA itS preTTy awEsOme AnD wouLD proMOtE maH HaTLEr360SnIpErSlayERkillERmurderer69 playSTyle anD PuNIsh otHERs”

entire community : Yeah, no thanks.

“OkAy YoU GuYS clEArLY aRe DUMb as FK anD knoW noThinG abOUt the gAme iAM beSTesteST thing tO haPPeN thiS game WitH mY suGGEsTionS”