Reward for the future Steam playerbase

Give them the event engineers squad for free. A lot of drama could be avoided


Wouldn’t that create more drama with event completers and FA pack owners whining?


Pfffff, mh yeah lol
So…instead release the event again just for them

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The real solution would be a reliable way to obtain old event squads.
Such a system could be integrated into the BP.

A link to a suggestion of mine in which I propose this in detail


That’s a really good idea, but in the small term i mean when a new steam player will arrive they will see that they have missed one of the most powerfull squad just by some weeks and they will be faced with the insane grind with this idea in mind. Why don’t give them the opportunity to have one of the most adaptable and fun class to have them lock in the game from the start?

Probably the same reason why you have to grind everything in a research line before you could buy the latest gear.

We are talking of an S tier event squad missed by literally weeks.
The game is full of problem some sugar to swallow it would be ideal in my opinion.

Just make it premium so everyone can buy it. Just like they did with fuel tank planes.

A free event squad that they missed for weeks locked behind 60$ :scream: :scream:
That would be fun honestly :rofl:

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It wouldn’t be first time, lol.

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Imagine not buying the Stalingrad FA pack but both of the Flamethrower tanks separately.


They won’t even meet them at the start since you need some time to reach br3 in order to meet br5 player that arm the squad with assault rifle.

It won’t be much useful for them at the start, since you need a lot of time to reach tier 5 to unlock assault rifle.

Im actually very happy about it. I am waiting with my popcorns

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But… why?

FA owners should have two AR engineers squad anyway. So f2p players getting one is fine.

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