Hello everyone! I come forth bringing the suggestion of a few revolvers that Japan could receive.
Namely those being the Type 26 Revolver, the Japanese Model No. 3 Smith & Wesson (Russian), the Model No. 2 Smith & Wesson and a unique suggestion perhaps as an event item; the type 90 grenade launcher attachment for the Type 26 revolver, designed to launch CS tear gas.
Starting from the top, the Type 26 Revolver. Officially adopted by the IJA in 1894 and seeing use in the Russo-Japanese War, World War 1 & 2. It’s production numbers come just shy of 60,000 made.
Honestly this sidearm feels most logical to add for Japan and admittedly I find it surprising they’re yet to have it available.
Secondly, the Japanese New Model No. 3 Smith & Wesson (Russian .44) The first pattern of revolver adopted by the Japanese military in 1878, purchasing them through till around 1908. The total number of purchased Model No.3 S&Ws being around 17,000. They came in around 4 different models. Though the bulk of which being the New Model No. 3
Considering this was the first adoption of a revolver by the Japanese military, I don’t think it’d be unreasonable to see an officer here or there that kept one of these around over the years.
Top: Japanese New Model No.3 S&W | Bottom: Type 26 Revolver
Thirdly, The Model No.2 Smith & Wesson. The first revolver officially purchased by the Japanese government. It was purchased and given to a bunch of postal services and other government agencies and would even come into the hands of some civilians.
This one is a bit of a stretch since it is a very old design and outdated by the aforementioned revolvers but it’s something that could be within the realm of possibility, in terms of additions for Japan.

Last but not least, a unique attachment designed for the Type 26 Revolver. The Type 90 grenade launcher muzzle device, intended for the use of riot control. I imagine if such a thing was to be added it would function similar to the white phosphorus grenades in game and would use the same key binds as the other grenade launcher muzzle devices already in game.
It’s very much a gimmick, but at least it’s a little more unique than an engraved Nambu, so it’d be an interesting event weapon!
That’s all I have for this and I hope you enjoyed reading and thank you for doing so!