Revert the Planes HP Buff

I was in a game just now spawn on A-20, I bombed and got 20 kills from Planes alone, then i spawn in as the rocket plane

One game i had 38 kills with A-20 but i dont record all the time so it was not possible, that was my highest, but getting kills from Planes is very easy and required no efforts

So you’re stating that because the bombs/rockets aren’t on a plane they were removed? They obviously weren’t because they were never there. You’re BLATANTLY LYING to try and push this narrative that US planes are better than German planes. And posting pictures that show absolutely nothing as “proof”. :laughing:

What makes this picture even better is the guy in the JU 188 who also dropped his payload and got 20 kills. But “only the US planes are good” :laughing:

Well if the Planes on German late game doesn’t have rockets and bombs obviously us ones are better. because this game is all about killing infantry, not about killing enemy aircraft. The Germans might have better Anti Air against other US planes, but US planes is known for its speed and mass destruction with bombs and rockets late game.

The guy on Ju-188 got 19 kills yes. That’s why i said both faction strength is very similar, and Ju-188 doesnt have anti air so, but i didnt focus on killing him that game, i only focus on Killing Infantry

I do not have the p47 atm, once i do ill show a better scoreboard with the Kills, until then friend

The game ended very shortly sadly but i was able to get the best attacker badge over the German one. and now finally level 25

But it has rockets… Again, your selective BS is astounding

I have it… Its just slightly more effective at CAS than the Bf 110. Same maneuverability too, just faster.

It doesn’t, if so please show me screens to prove it.

level 23 German Plane, No Bombs no Rockets, please tell me where are the rockets or bombs

strong text

the plane is trash

And, the goalposts shift… Now you’re not comparing it to the Fw190. You decide instead to compare it to a different plane, the BF 109 G6. Which still never had any bombs or rockets. Meaning they were never removed…

the fw-190 is still Trash and inferior though. it only has 2 Rockets

meaning its better if u swap for old plane for 4 rockets

vs 1 500 lb bomb + 10 HVAR rockets, who wins?

I mean come on its obviously the US planes is better at bombing and dealing with infantry

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Except isn’t the Fw 190 a fighter? Which means you should be comparing it to American fighters. Same with the G-10. Stop comparing an attacker to a fighter when they don’t use the same slots. Its really basic.

Reminder the P-47 should get the historical loadout of 2x 1000lb bombs and 10x HVARs and 1x 500lb bomb

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Ye but what im saying is, at Bombing and Harassing Infantry, US planes is better than Germany late game.

Late Game Germany is only good at killing aircraft is what im saying.

but in this game killing infantry is better than aircraft so US for me

So because Germany unlocks equal shit to the US earlier than trhe US you’re complaining that they’re worse late game? LOL

p47 is not only a attacker, but also functions as a fighter. P-47 literally has same sustain turn rate as Bf190 at sea level.

Yes they are worst cuz the effectiveness of killing infantry is lowered. do u not see ppl complain about planes? its about planes killing infantry, none complains about getting killed as Aircraft, its the other way around, ppl complain they cannot kill planes

Which side kills more infantry late game? US ones are better please wake up bro

›He gets outturned by a jug at low alt
Just stop playing planes entirely at that point, holy shit

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No the Bf 109 actually outturns the P47… I have used them against each other. The P47 isn’t even close to outturning a Bf109. The P47 can barely outturn a Bf110.


i had the german one maxed only, but you can see US still have better stats by default due to campaign level 23 with Rockets. and German one doesnt have rockets nor bombs on lv23 which i shown. so US planes is better is what im saying

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