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no point in addressing your first few points if you dont understand what is fictional in “ww2 historical” game that has weapons that werent used in ww2 or in particular campaigns. maybe we should add japanese squads to tunisia, stalingrad and normandy cause that also wouldnt break “historical immersion” cause japanese existed in ww2.

it was to stop veterans to seal club newbies with end game weapons. so instead of veterans seal clubbing with skill and weapons, they can now only seal club with skill.
also if you were actually reading discussions about merge in past year you would know that absolutely nobody expected that roflstomps will be fixed. for that to happen you would need skill based MM which is bad for casual game.

certainly you are the smartest here, so go figure out how to balance ww2 game without making it ahistorical.

nah… i dont have delusions about this game. i wanted easy ww2 themed arcadey shooter where i would need to sweat against kids with higher skill than me and i got what i wanted. if i wanted historically accurate or “immersive” ww2 shooter i wouldnt came even close to enlisted.

Aha, I suppose you have some kind of HA version of the game since I keep getting full human lobbys.

id like to point out that RTCW also is under ww2 FPS.
If by your logic ww2 is enough to make game “historical”

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nope it is historically immersive version of the game. :stuck_out_tongue:



this convo of yours kinda have been dragged for quite too long.

bottom line is,

Enlisted standard matchmaking is not and never will be HA. ( nor really ever has been )
the first you came to accept it, the more it will save you time and mind.

However, with mods,
you can make Enlisted Historical Accurate 100% and above.

which my suggestions are,
make a mod.
an historical one,

get enough people to get an actual data of " proof " that people wants it, and then try your luck by providing these numbers and make a suggestion thread about it to be an entire new matchmaking.

because arguing against people that do not agree with you and getting personal about it surely ain’t gonna bring campaigns back either.

even though, campaigns won’t ever come back.

which it might work.
or maybe not.

without numbers and just words, nothing is gonna get done.

with that said, ( no, it’s not to " hey look me, i did something " )

if someone like me managed to make mods, fairly sure anyone can.

and i’m happy to announce my own Historical Accurate PVE of the battle of foy:

( if things go right, next week i should pubblish it )

all goes to say, enlisted will only be HA through mods and above all, only through PVEs.
but never in the base game.

because HA games are not for the masses nor really sustainable in the long run.
and enlisted is kinda too far deep into being arcady to change years later after it’s nature conception.
too late for HA.


HA PVP mods are much simpler to make.

yet not many people from the HA community even tried.

so… that should say something.

in my case, i’m aiming to do HA PVEs. which are much more complex and require times as large entities causes performance issues. hence why i didn’t released almost any of my undergoing/underwork mods before i’ll actually release them. gotta figure what to do next and shortcomings etc. Foy one above shouldn’t be an issue as it’s relatively small, hence less problems of performance compared to others.

but the door for modding is open to everyone.


How the game positions itself on the market, made by the devs and often used as a standard to value the game with its actual performance of the devs, which wasn’t historically accurate.
You know… instead of historical “immersion” definition no. 1344218828228 people don’t know and care about.

And are you not the one who says the game (should) target men and not youngster girls and gamer moms? Because marketing also has some importance here, I would like to know how they managed to do that and how 99% here are females.

Maybe those puns are too much for the chad historical immersion player. I should have seen it with your English.
Suppose your average campaign has an average of 25-50% gear that was not there despite your supposed standards stating that only present stuff is there. In that case, it is still not historical, let alone historically accurate.
Nobody cares about your immersion terms because 99,99% are not you.

I think Dino D-Day also has realistically rendered WW2 weapons or BFV or whatever rendering of weapons means.
I also don’t know if we consider the Cönders historical and a WW2 weapon since the gun was rebuilt mainly by the United States after WW2.

Yeah, that’s what we have been asking you since New Year, but we never get a clear answer beyond that the devs aimed for historical whatever despite devs stating otherwise.
Oh and why we have so many underaged chicks around here as well as milfs.

Meh. Just don’t reply or block me because I am still waiting for those numbers and Sekrit documents.

Thanks for sharing the latest game stats!

Basically, all I interpret from this is that 2 lanes on my previous 5-lane highway were closed and the traffic is logically condensed on the remaining 3 lanes.

However, the number of game quitters remains shockingly consistently high, suggesting that the previous assumption that people are leaving games due to a lack of active players is incorrect.
This results in unbalanced games becoming even more unbalanced.

The question here is what are the players’ motivations for leaving the game?

  • Poorly balanced teams? Rookies vs. Pros?
  • Bad matchmaking? T3 vs T5
  • Unrealistic scenarios, like T5 in Stalingrad? (immersion)

But when I look back on the games of my last few days, I don’t notice any improvement in the situation as far as active players are concerned. Actually, the situation has actually worsened compared to before the big update, as you can see from the following screenshots with my T3 BR. Unfortunately this is not an isolated case, but rather 4/5 of the matches I played.
Games with up to 80% bots or new players will continue to be populated on T3.
They can’t have had all of the T3 equipment in stock before the big update.

So far I only see advantages for the manufacturer, who saves capacity in terms of computing power and thus costs.

you should try talking to Tommy about performance issues he might have some interesting ways to bypass some of the performance issues with some shortcuts if you can allow them in some of your maps.

and nice job on your map and I probably would have made some maps for enlisted and things but I’ve been more focused on Minecraft and █████ instead of really making any maps for Enlisted.

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I don’t think it is 100% fair to make this claim. Even if it would be true that Enlisted had never been truly historically accurate, it still was a big part of its original development idea.

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right back at ya:

it still was a big part of its original development idea.

that’s factually incorrect.

because what i said, it’s precisely what it always has/have been.
right from the beginning.

don’t know about you.
i did played the first alpha.

i did played the second alpha.

i did played the closed alpha test

i did played the closed beta test.

and up to to this point still playing.

during the first ever alpha, things were still not HA.
Gewehr 41s were not used in the battle of moscow nor BA-11s. uniforms? yeah not even those were really that accurate.

the fg despite used to be for the gunner class, it was still assigned to non luftwaffe units.


the statement that i made is factually based, and still stands i’m afraid.
despite you not actually liking it.

already did in the past.

but my missions are very different from his.

performance is caused by the large quantities of polygons formed by rendinsts ( maps objects ) and entities such as the PVE soldiers to place around the map.

from a technical stand point, his mission does not involve map modifications. ( some, such as the airfields but not to the extent of recreating and making maps from scratch like i do. which it’s what actually fucks my maps over the most )

hence it’s actually very light. ( around 300kbs ) ( around 7mbs with the custom profiles and entities if not mistaken )

he putted resourches into the entities.blk ( which it’s a separate file that contains custom settings and do not take space over the basic blk )

which, he then work around by reducing the dead bodies timing ( how much dead bodies will remain before despawning ) and the same for vehicles.

in my case unfortunately, having 239 soldiers with more than 15k maps object and terraforming, my map is currently sitting at 15mbs with performance issues at the beggining being around 40 fps unstable.

if i have to guess, soldiers are unoptimizied and creates some issues.

working with devenddar for an active solution though.

so … i can only hope.

but without official work / help, i’m kinda tied. and not much can be done.

i hope for you that it’s not Fort*.

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Take it easy, I never said your statement was wrong, all I said is that it isn’t 100% fair.

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then how isn’t " fair " if that is precisely what happened/how it was?

i don’t make stuff up?

There’s nothing malicious with that sensor right there it’s just something I decide to leave out

I am not trying to offend you in any way, but you gotta at least agree that the devs had a certain degree of historical accuracy in mind.

Like the fact that we had actual squads based on real battalions and such, and the fact that we even had the campaign system to begin with.

Again I am not stating that this was enough to be considered truly historical accurate, but there were attempts and the devs based many of their mechanics and ideas that we have today on it.

Thats what I mean when I say it isn’t a 100% fair statement. Some credit is deserved in this regard, at least in my book.

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they don’t.

it’s all based on depictions.

not accurately making stuff as historical.

weapons, vehicles, uniforms.

All resembles, but aren’t actually accurate.

so i don’t know what type of historical accuracy they have in mind.

but in the common world, that ain’t one.


here is the thing.

when someone makes something historical accurate, as the words imply, should be historical accurate.

not some half baked middle way.

at that point, it’s no longer about historical accuracy.

but rather, a depiction.

something realistic.

which realistic it’s not 1 0 1.

aka. near to be realism. in that case, enlisted is if anything, a depiction of ww2 in somewhere of a realistic manner.

but that’s a long stretch calling it HA.


nah, that was never the assumption. people left matches cause of shit matches. lack of players is just one part of what made shit matches shit.

there are 3 main reasons why people leave matches

  1. roflstomps - not fun for both sides
  2. bad maps/modes (i auto desert assault/train and conquest depending on the map)
  3. RL issues.

this could be post merge reason for people who want to be the top dog in low MM and not getting clubbed by t5.

then people would need to uninstall the game, cause game is full of unrealistic scenarios and you cant evade them in any campaign.

idk what is the point of blanking the names of the players, but lots of players who perform badly usually arent even bots, but just really bad players.