RESUME the old SQUADS!Don't WASTE the valuble RESOURCES!

May DF did not find that they waste a improtant and valuble resource! The various legendary divisons and squads were the treasure and characteristic of this game .But they were deleted after the update.After that ,taking the old squads back has became the dream of many players.resume the old squads will not destroy anything!And it will have a great influence on this game ! The resuming not difficult,the players just need a store to get them with silver!


Having numerous teams from the World War II era is also a major feature of this game. Collecting them can greatly satisfy the collecting desires of many players and provide convenience for BR presets. The deletion of the old team is a great pity and should not be done, which is very unfair to players who joined the game after the “merger” event. So I support allowing players to purchase old squads, which will not affect balance. To be honest, I am willing to pay silver to purchase these old teams, if given the opportunity.


yes please and changeable icons for sure! I really want to build a fallschirmjager lineup for germany


From what I have experienced the past couple years, Dark Force doesn’t seem to placate to their players desires as I have been seeing requests for dozens of things repeatedly since coming to this forum, and nary a response from DF. So, they are in their own closed off world.

I have heard that DF will not release, resell or give out these old legacy squads. Why? I have no clue, especially since they could make a killing off them as premium squads. After spending many many years in management myself, I have questioned DF business sense on multiple occasions. But, it’s their game, and I am quite sure they are making good money doing it how they are doing it, they just are not making as much as they could if they had someone with some real business sense making decisions. Myself, I really don’t care anymore as I have given them far to much money, and since they don’t listen to their clients I am happy to start saving my money. I played my first year and a half totally free, and to be honest, I can play the rest of my days totally free as well. Other then the old legacy squads, DF has nothing more I want. So, if they want to sit on their stuff, more power to them, lets see how it pays off for them in the future.


I have sold the extra squads (legendary) to avoid the clutter, i was playing since a long time ago and got almost everything maxxed before the merge (except for Japan) but now i have realized that there is one fighter 1 squad that i never got from Tunisia.

So yeah, i would like to have access to legendary squads to buy, at least that one. I’m also in for the rest that wants more squads or just their favourite ones.

PS: I don’t know how i maxxed Tunisia before merge, but still don’t have it, never got an answer.

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apparently turns out that, ( as one of the CM stated )
most players were from console.

and what did these people do?
sold most of their legacy squad.

partly to avoid " clutter " reason, or simply did not wanted to go through changing, modifying etc etc each squad.

as, they did not wanted more squads beside few to make a high and low br presets.

and, ( what i’m about to say are rather my conclusions given few things from past experiences and cross examination ) it actually benefits them to have very few squads for newer players.

  • less work to adjust newer squads when it comes to classes ( example, were the medics. only being available to edited squads that were handselected / handpicked.

  • less work to adjust cosmetics on said classes
    because as not many know, cosmetics are actually squad tied. not " campaign " based as the game implies. hence, developers have to go through each squad presets ( in some occasions, up to 6 ) and update them for every single squad. aka having to do 100+ presets for all squads. ( can’t really feel empathy for their own incompetence ).

  • with people having less squads, if they want more, have premium / event option. first being guranteed monetization and the latter can prove to be remunerative as well due to the fomo behind it, and some people will buy it oppose as grind it.

  • " managed " balance.
    this will prevent having more tigers / pershing appearing from a single user opposed as having them like a pre merge user for the future. a rather limiting factor driven by money.
    because for example, now you can only bring 2 Pershing by owning 1, and buying the other. same with ho ri production and prototye. one can only assume the same will happen for the soviets and germans. but, despite owning many type III you will not be able to get doubles. the same cannot be said by some pre merge users where they can cycle non stop with flametrooper squads, assaulters, planes, tanks etc. but that was meant ( i’d figure that is. but i could be wrong ) to be some sort of stop gap. wants more? pay up.

with that being said, as a squad collector my self that owns most of said squad, ( outside few from the tunisia and moscow campaign which i would love to get ) i would love to get squads back.

but chances of that ever happening are very thin.

especially since we asked in the past to bring them back and we were told " no. it’s not planned ".

so… .yikes.

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I didn’t sell any squads,but DF need to offer more chances to players…


although i have some squads,but i still wish the new players could get them.this game need surppot from the new people()


in the other hand,this game need more surpport from new people,resume the old squads will help this

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I just want to have my full British lineup… does DF not want my money?


I’d just like just ammend your last point: Vehicles you own can only be selected for one squad at a time, there’s for example a German Figher that both the second and third fighter squad can equip, but only one squad can have it selected at a time. The fact that DF has made it possible to even cycle 5 different panthers in their own seperate squads is yet again, as you mentioned, their own incompetence.

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