Reserve is impossible for f2p players

Returning player can’t figure out how reserve works.

So i have 50 squads, a lot are maxed. Unfortunately my reserve is a mess , and i can’t even recruit.
My reserve size makes no sense

you get 1 extra reserve slot per maxed out squad.

so put those soldiers into squads or dismiss them if they arent maxed out (* on all stats)

Its tedious - but you can sell those extra soldiers for good silver.

For the love of god though, don’t sell your whole squads.

Just buy premim account, it’s currently 50% off and it’s going to solve all of your reserve issues

It’s not that tedious. There’s an option to mass select units and sell them all at once. If you’ve got a ton of units you don’t see yourself using any time soon, just pitch em.

Word of recommendation: don’t pitch any Italian soldiers. A good majority of the recruitable Italian soldier types aren’t recruitable anymore.

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