
Hello, I have a question about research … I researched an item but can’t buy it … it says (all dependent research must be completed and purchased). I have completed all the previous research and purchased … and what else should I research or buy, I didn’t find out anywhere … could anyone give me some advice? Thank you.

Sending a picture mught help us better ? Just from reading I can guess that you might have missed researching or buying somthing

Can you please post a screenshots of your research tree?
We cannot identify the problem without seeing your progress as it may be possible that you have simply missed a vehicle/weapon or you cannot progress due to not having researched enough gear to unlock the next tier ect…

Snímek obrazovky 2025-02-23 141145

the red line means that you have not researched the tank prior to Panzer IV J, so I think the problem is that you either didnt research or didnt buy the Panzer IV G.

I don’t have a Panzer IV G … but in that case the PZ 4 J and PZ 4 H shouldn’t work for me either … it doesn’t make sense …

It’s the same with planes - I have a plane and I haven’t research the plane before it … is there a way to find out what I need to have it research?

You must have unlocked them pre-merge.
Sorry but I have very bad news for you, you will have to research and buy every single tank (that is not foldered) before the Panther A.

Thank you. I think it got messed up when they changed the research method…