Request for add camouflage for half truck

we can point our tank into diffrent camo,it help us to hide。why not let us point our half truck also?

It’s already planned, be patient.


Are you ready to deal with that level of change ? You won’t get upset at this ?


those will be a thing. confirmed by james ( the community manager ) as well with decorations.

and there’s a set of skins named after for these vehicle in particular.

couldn’t find / there are none for basic apcs or ussr m3.

sdkfz 251/1
Sdkfz 7

i’ll start by saying that i couldn’t find the template for the varient 7. but there’s one that has been sitting for a long time based on the flak 37 which it’s the same truck with just an AA gun. with that being said, the selection might be and can be identical

Us m3 halftrack

and well, only those were made.

not sure if base apc will get skins. ( i hope so, but dunno )

also, keep in mind that those might ( and i hope about this too ) may change

especially since there are many more camouflage which you can look here:


They look good, although having said that, they should just export the skins they have already made in WT.

:arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_down:

Bush monsters? In my infantry game? Oh I think I’m gonna be sick