Replace unhistorical "MP28 (7.65mm)" to historical "SIG-Bergmann M1920 (7.63mm)" for Japanese

In Pacific campaign, Japanese have “MP-28 (7.65mm)”, but in history they didn’t used it.
In history, they used SIG-Bergmann M1920 machine pistol and they call it “Bergman machine pistol” (ベ式自動拳銃).

It used 7.63mm ammunition which is same as S1-100 (both were used by navy) and it should have bayonet.

Japanese Bergmann can use 30th Year Type Bayonet [三十年式銃剣] which is same as Type 38 rifle etc.

How to fix issue:


Oh wow 50 round mag on mp28. Noice

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Yes, 50 ammo MP18/20.

Yeah I am stoked to have a 50rd SMG finally.

Fully upgraded it has to be half decent at least.

This SIG Bergman with bayonet mount is only equipped by the Shanghai Special Marines

Japanese once used MP28,they came from the Dutch army and the British army in Southeast Asia.
Records from the Japanese occupation of Singapore in 1942
「シユマイセル」機関短銃=MP28 II(7.63mm)

Tengchong, China, 1944. Chinese soldiers show MP28 II from the Japanese

Japanese records of MP28 in 1935
獨逸製シマイサー自動短銃二八/二型=MP28 II(7.63)

Thanks, I didn’t know army used Schmeisser MP28 instead of naval landing party’s Bergman M1920.
However, 3D model of this gun (especially barrel), it seems Bergman M1920. How do you think about it? I’m not expert so I hope I can get your seeing.

The main Bergman submachine gun used by the IJA is still the SIG1920 (Some documents refer to it as 一九一八年式「ベルグマン」自動短銃 )There are not many MP28s。and Most of these submachine guns of the IJA came from the Chinese army

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The modeling is indeed SIG Bergman

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Ah, I understand. Thank you very much!
So, imported one is only IJN’s Bergmann M1920 and army used captured various guns.
If Chinese MP28 is allowed, I hope to see Chinese Thompson, too. As far as I remember, IJA used it at Manchuria etc.

The version has been updated

SIG 1920 with bayonet bracket from the Shanghai Special Marine Corps was added

But SIG Bergman of the Class II Commando still did not change its name