The devs totally missed the ball and added yet another aircraft gun for infantry, when MG42 with belt would have worked great, especially since MG15 has more dispersion for some reason.
No competition aganaist russian gun comrade
The MG 15 was actually used in the ground role especially later in the war, but the MG 131 was not really except in afik very rare instances as it’s ammunition required a power source, electric primers.
The problem here is the stupid idea of the dev of give more dispersion to the gun wen it fire, you cant fire straight because of this always like a shotgun
is german technology, is 4 parallel universe ahead of us poor mind
Call of duty WaW back in 2008 literally had working bipods that would fold then unfold, yet the devs here can’t even model that correctly, let alone get the bipods to work at all.
Dunno if that would be that much better but at least 100 rounds.
Are you compering darkflow with the most prominent AAA studios of Activision? Are you serious or what? I guess you don’t know nothing about gaming industry at all, hypocrite.
Wow you’re dumb
You are serius?
While that comparison might not be fair its rather true the said studio had working bipods over a decade ago while this piece of shit studio cant do shit.
I still want the Mg 15 in game because hey more guns, but they should add belt fed German MGs in all campaigns. We should have both the magazine variant and belt variant