So explosive pack we have was nerfed many times. So why dont we cancle it and replace it with more specific throwables
- At/cluster granade.
So something like this. BR3. With granade throw range(maybe closer), explosive area and damage. And this have a panetration of 20-30 but it can break parts on heavier tanks. Like destroy tracks and barrel. - Magnet/ sticky granade
BR4, stick on places like tank, ground and people. Have higher panetration(maybe) - real explosive packs
(20 kilo)
These packs have the damage of plane bombs. have a large radius, high damage, very high pan and can destory tank reckage, natural obsticals and any engineer structure like tons of wires and sand bags. But they have a very close throw range(1m) very long fuse and most importantly can be defused by hand. With the fuse can be seen