Repair / refill ammo only on aircraft carriers and / or airfield

It would be nice if you removed the refilling of ammunition / bombs in the air (totally unrealistic). Instead you could add the option to land on an aircraft carrier or an airfield. You have already partially added this option to the pacific maps.

Please revise your system and the maps accordingly for all “campaigns” aka maps and their aircraft types.


Im all for airfields!! and having to start on the ground. But with the “current” pace of the game i still think they would need to re-arm in the air as they do now. The starting on the ground should be a sufficient delay.

One day with bigger maps, more vehicle slots and potentially longer matchs sure, Id love it to be all airfield/carrier based.


i hate carriers.
and the pace of the game is too fast.
for this kind of immersive things.

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Its almost impossible to do with the game as is right now sadly


This would cause people to either not want to play planes or to simply crash intentionally 100% of the time after dropping payload which will allow others to cycle through. Basically you’re back to plane spam

so the same like now, even with the new system. the only difference in these days is, that plane spammers try to get hit 1 time by an enemy an crash intentionally. credits for the kill goes to the last player hitting them and they can bypass the new system by that.

It wouldn’t change nothing

CAS and bomber would always be used and this triggers fighter to be used to, the only difference it would be a delay before see a plane

But as him tol already

One day this would be possible to be added

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Plane spam really isn’t a problem. I just know a bunch of people complain about it. But without a doubt this change would make the bombings more frequent than they are now.

Seriously? You really think people want to land to refill ammo every time? I guarantee it will force a playstyle change.

in general not. depending on the players I guess. In case of a plane spam on enemy side, I build multiple AA’s and shred the planes. :smiley:

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Nope, casual plane player are going as now kill themselves and switch squad, delicate plane player are gonna refill for don’t lose the plane spot

bigger maps or improved maps in general and aircraft carriers / airfields for repair and / or refill would be very nice for the future.

Exactly! This is the proper approach and counter to planes if you’re on the ground. Most people do not build nor use them. My buddy i play with is a pro with AA guns and keeps the skies clear most games

Most high tier matches last between 10-20 minutes. Most players who like to fly would find it straight up ridiculous to only be able to drop bombs 3 times for a whole game and do nothing else. Most players will not do this. Have no idea what game your playing

We are talking of IF no putting this in the actual game

I thinks was clear no one is trying to force airfield in the actually small Enlisted map

The original post said nothing about that, only introducing forced airfields in game

“It would be nice if you removed the refilling of ammunition / bombs in the air (totally unrealistic). Instead you could add the option to land on an aircraft carrier or an airfield. You have already partially added this option to the pacific maps.”

That’s what my comments were focused at

Im referring to your answer to me

I was just following the discussion than in an “if” change of the map dimensions, number of player etc… Adding Airfield and more carrier would have change nothing at all, because it wouldn’t have impacted on the pacing


This was an IF discussion from the beginning because it need as prerequisite the whole change of how the game is played, as stated in the main post

5/5 system, better not to shoot at plane so he might get suicided :ok_hand:

Except due to AA’s short range you end up with this.

Sure, you get the kill just like you would get by shooting with MG.
But doesnt really help at all.

Ther is one map that I’ve played on US vs Germans that has US attacking and the Airfield is the first objective. The Biplanes are actual Biplanes that players have to take off with. Which in the case that I’m referring to didn’t work since they promptly got a tank round to the face from me. I mean it’s great that the first round of planes starts on the ground and have to take off it adds to the intensity of the situation. Your airfield is getting raided, and you need to scramble to get into the air to provide support. After that first wave planes spawn in the air as normal.

I know that tanks are a touchy topic but, tanks have to pull out of combat, go to the rear, wait a second to resupply and then get back in the fight. Why can’t aircraft do touch and goes off airfields and carriers to resupply in the same way? I mean what it takes 30 seconds to fly full speed to the refill and 30 seconds back so your maybe adding 5-10 more seconds with a touch and go depending on your skill as a pilot.

Then you need to have a team mate or yourself go camp the plane spawn with a good fighter. Works incredibly well. Just hang out 3000m past objective 800m high and do loops until you hear another engine spawning. Look and shoot.