Repair Pop-up for friendly tanks

I like to bring repair kits on my engineers so I can repair friendly vehicles. Repairing friendly vehicles can be a challenge though, as they usually are completely oblivious that you are repairing them. They usually start moving or even run me over before I am done repairing.

A text prompt on the screen of a friendly tank saying:

You are being repaired

would be handy.


FOR GOD LOVE YES we need this!

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I agree. Great suggestion. I’ve run out of :heart: and will LIKE tomorrow.
In addition to this I would like to suggest a small package of tank shells that can be carried by the infantry.
It would consume one slot in the inventory and allow them to carry a packet that would replenish several rounds of ammunition.
I would like to support my tanks with repair kits and spare ammo.


Yeah I hate when they start driving away and I’m repairing them

genius suggestion, H&G also had a feature like that which was the damage indicator but replaced the red hue with green XD.

Me when i find puma with all wheels broken and i have a repair kit

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By the way, I am surprised that there is at least one player(@coldestwinter_) who does the good deed of repairing other people’s tanks.
The only actions I have taken against friendly tanks have been digging holes around them and throwing smoke grenades.

so true

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