Remove dispersion penalty of Browning M1918A2 and move it from BR 3 to BR 4

BAR is very good weapon, but only when player does not move when shooting.

Suggestion is to remove / reduce dispersion penalty and move it from BR 3 to BR 4.

Same with the Colt Monitor.


movement dispersion ruins 90% of the MGs in the game.

standing still turns you into a dead man


Why you would want to aim your heavy weapon while moving?
my opinion is to let Colt Monitor suffer same penalty.


To not get killed.


Than use Vickers-Berthier
0 penalty some how.

Worst thrash idea ever :-1:


is your best friend


What? No! Don’t ruin my BR III lineup by taking away the best BAR

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Well. This game is not about staying alive but to kill as many as possible with your life. Its all about the “exchange rate”

I can get behind reduced dispersion when braced/bipod deployed.

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Is a must have on every soldier

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For you it’s not normal that your weapon moves, when you move…


Must be the people who’ve never shot a gun before

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It can be anything.

Just take a tree branch. “Aim” with your tree branch fixing a point. Then now try moving around while fixing the same point… stick will wobble, eh?

I knew that as a kid when I fought glorious stick gun wars in the neighborhood.
My arms then:

For maximum accuracy when pew pewing, you had to stay still. Somehow when we dueled with our fearsome weapons while running in a circle for 5 minutes pew pew ing, we always missed because none of us got down!


Analogy aside, the era when weapons had no dispersion when moving is Unreal Tournament 2000.


of course thats normal - however when you move ingame your sight can be exactly on point, yet your shot will bend by 90°

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Not really, or it’s rare. Ppl think they must only put the front sight on target when aiming, here.

It’s wrong. You must ALIGN your front sight and rear one on the target. And while moving the gun sways left or right slightly. That slight movement is plenty enough so that at 100m, your shot can miss 2m away from target.

Unless you’re one of those Olympians on skis with a precision rifle. Note, they too try to stop their body from moving before taking a shot…

no, this not how ingame dispersion works, your weapon sights can sway to the left, yet RNG will make your bullet go right.


Of course, I’m not saying the animation is rendered perfectly, even when static, some weapons have blunderbuss like dispersion.

I’m just saying it’s normal when you move to have dispersion at the very least. Even if the animation doesn’t quite follow.

Just imagine it’s like good old games cross hair reticle. You moved, it grew larger.


Because it was hip-firing.

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we are talking about missing your shot at 5 meters distance, because your 5 MOA gun suddenly has 50 MOA despite your sight line up perfectly on your target.

dispersion exists, but movement dispersion does not, when the game tells you that you are on target - there shouldnt be some magical RNG that makes you miss, even though you have done nothing wrong.

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