Remove assault game mode attackers never win

Been saying this for 2 years now.

Assault is broken, you can’t capture and hold 2 caps at the same time, unless you play against total idiots.

Defenders shouldn’t be able to capture those points back.

Just look at the game statistics devs, if you look at win loss % of Assault, you will see that this game mode is broken.


I just leave the match, to avoid getting stressed with a useless team , I really understand you, I hope they change that someday ; )


a week ago I played assault mode and the Soviets as attackers won.


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It’s quite possible, I do it more often than not.
I especially like it cuz it’s got a longer front.

This mode is difficult for attackers, but I disagree with the statement that the attacker never wins.


Nothing new in this game and the developers…

Its one the few game modes that require team work which isn’t one of Enlisted’s strengths.

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read what I say.

if both teams possess teamwork - the defenders will win


Going to agree with OP here, the outcome as attacker is hardly decided by how well your team plays but rather how poorly your enemy does.

Technically as defender you can always focus on 1 point with full team, while as attacker you have to defend the other point & attack the other simultaneously.
Meaning that if theres 2 equal teams the defender is going to win ~99% of time.


The devs just need to make bigger teams for this gamemode.
A 20vs20 or 30vs30 with a third zone and a much larger front would make this gamemode very good IMO.
In it’s curret state It’s still managable but Endless Tiger II campers can make it hard sometimes.


This is just inflating the issue.

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So a mode where one side wins 2/3 times.

Conclusion is obviously to keep it and just keep quitting because thats how a mode should work.

I don’t know about you but I’ve frequently lose deffending assult
I was playing ussr and…
Only idiots lose
And I was in ussr
I see your point now
Maybe they should let us pick our game modes
But conquest lovers will be lining up the staircases of skyscrapers
All 3 of then

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The devs need to make a fucking matchmaking system that won’t be putting up newbies against veterans that have been playing the game since release
Smt that happens to me very often


I think this idea is great
Now pair it up with better missions
Like maybe a 50v50 mission covering an entire map like stalingrad
Also some sort of skill based match making
In a way that more casual/new players can enjoy the game
And unlike me
Not say they are quitting every 48 hours

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First of all the pools would need to have about even numbers of vets and newbies etc.

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On the same team right?

NOPE - i tired a game in custom - trounced they were allied v axis allied massacred the german defenders 11 mins game over -
germans are all ways it seems defending why -
5 games germans defended lost every game yanks n russians v Germans Their ranks maj gen lowest rank col
German team captain lt and sgts n prvts BR 2 v 3/4 maybe
it just depends on the team some teams can’t defend c don’t build rally points help don’t have artillery bombers or hog the artillery aircraft so you can’t get to use your radio men
so far never been able to call bombers but unlocked it in research I find the higher the rank the less chance you have to use your tank or artillery it hogged –