REMOVE ANTI PERSONEL MINES or atleast heavily nerf them

this is literally a description of what is the worst thing about enlisted.

i hate it with all my heart, i’d love to be able play more slowly and have equal chances to contribute to the win.

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I guess it comes down to your experiences in the game, and folks these days always find something to complain about - myself included ;).

I don’t think mines are as widely used as ppl make them out to be.

I don’t play for K/D or try to finish the game as fast as possible. So I often take my time to check things out help build defences etc… I see from my own experience how much effect a well developed minefield can have a significant effect, all be it on a specific area of the battlespace where I’ve prepared the surprise.

I play the larger squads in game and I try to seed minefields in depth esp in areas that won’t get “cleansed by artillery” - buildings are good for this, as are trench lines which ppl like to use to flank positions.

Many players on these forums have played quite a lot on the various maps of their favourite campaigns and so like myself will have a good sense of the more obvious avenues of approach.

So rather than rushing forward you can take your time in pepping an area with mixed mines and in my experience the results can be very satisfying, particularly when you cycle through several squads to build up the density of your minefield.

I don’t deny that this approach will definitely give you a decent score, but I am willing to assume that I would do much better compared to this, not because I’m any great, but because of how effective this type of playing is. I really wish it were different.

the game must either slow down or the effectiveness of running with automatic weapons needs to become less effective.

I play to win, that’s what this game is about, so the meta should make a little more room for everyone.

That’s one way of looking at it, I prefer to think about it as a combined arms game, where the infantry have to hold the ground/objectives, however the ahistorical over proliferation of automatic weapons is the point of contention. IF the squads had realistic load outs I’m wondering what the effect on the game would be ?

At the end of the day we all play for our own reasons, and I guess as long as the style of gaming that you describe suits your playstyle then good on you and keep playing. I think DF tries to cater to everyone’s preferrences and so sometimes things end up in a tangle.

Nevertheless, the one perceptible aspect of mines is that they can contribute locally to “slow things down”, even if it is by eliminating the rushing enemy and waiting for the next rush.

Well I would hope so, otherwise what’s the point.

Although lets keep things in perspective. Before anyone, myself included, can get creative with the minefields, we still have to upgrade the squads to a sufficient level to have enough personnel, as well as enough tickets, or silver these days to actually equip said squad with all the core essentials to contribute to said “win”

That’s why you’ll find mines way down on that list of things to get for the typical player as they work out how to best equip their soldiers.

There is also a very large contingent of competitive FPS players who don’t really care what the game millieu is, much less any historical context around it, and just play the game for the pure combat engine construct that is represented by the playable characters and the weapons they carry.

I think also the concept of AI squads is a novel draw card which attracts a lot of players (myself included) but equally you can see across the forums that many here just want a squad based shoot em up and they don’t care whether is WWII, Korea, Vietnam, African, Sth East Asia or Sinai wars because the historical context does not matter, only the toys they get to play with.

In my opinion, enlisted could push the required skill set further and further to find your way in the game. Where a competitive FPS gamer, a strategic mind from RTS games, and a casual gamer from single player games could achieve similar results.

I think a nerf of competitive fps players would be too risky, people would rebel, it would be one thing to increase the value of everything beyond that, in other words buff or add stuff unrelated to running and shooting. This could really bring some results, provided that the developers actually want it, because it seems to me more and more that they don’t.

I care most about the atmosphere of WW2, it is the most attractive to me for some reason and I wouldn’t play this game if it were otherwise. The new AI squad feature is a bit distasteful to me, considering how poorly developers develop it. I think I play this game more because of what this game can be in the future than what it is now, because now maybe shooting at stupid bots is cool, but I would be much more interested if these bots somehow imitated real soldiers on the battlefield.

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Yeah absolutely the game needs all types of folks to remain fiscally viable.

I do hope that when more ppl are attracted to it, they will split it between arcade and realistic modes as they have in WT.

The realistic mode can have suitable historical constraints imposed on it so that all those folks who like to get immersed in the WW2 millieu can do so, without getting bent out of shape over which BR or Tier a piece of equipment fits in, but focus on the Campaign/Map/Scenario and what was historically available at what reasonably abstracted ratios so that playing is still fun, but not over the top the way it is in most arcade implementations. That also goes for how the map/terrain interacts with the various models and how well the AI gets developed.

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I guess it’s about the time, according to the roadmap, the official premiere of the game take place soon, then tourists will come (I hope)

I think it could be fixed this way that it would take some time to set up such of an infantry mine on the ground instead of just throwing it mid run

People are already too lazy to build rallies because it takes some seconds to do so, it will reduce the usage greatly

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when someone suggested such a solution, keofox replied that there is mine activation time already. Where that’s not the point at all. The fact that the mine is activating itself is one thing, the fact that it has to be activated manually is another.


Seems like they have a big problem with understanding the contexts of such posts way too often then lol

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Yeah like having ap mines and at mines be an engineer building for the engi squad and at mines be an engi building for the at squad aswell and have them work like the at gun where you can only place one. They could work in enlisted only thing we need for them to not be unfair to fight against is to have the spamability reduced.

In my oppinion the engineer is the best squad for defence. Only that squad should have the ability to place ap mines

AP mines are actually a blessing to the game. it is the much needed equalizer to the massive run-run pew-pew gameplay.

instead of adapting, rushers require and demand to nerf the thing that kills them. it is the good old scissor saying “nerf rock! paper is fine tho”.

mines are specially useful to defend the first cap point. why? because the first push on the first cap has the entire enemy army spawning at once and force pushing at once. once people start dying, reinforcements fall out of phase and start coming in waves. but the first attack is the full brunt of the enemy pushing you. if you mine the target, you stop the first mindless rush.

the nerf requesters completely lack adaptability, or completely refuse to adapt.

there are many counters to AP mines. let me give you some examples:

  1. let go of the “W” key for 5 seconds and slow the rush yourself before being stopped by blowing up to pieces by the mines.
  2. throw explosives at the suspected mined zone, blowing the mines.
  3. look around below waist level to try and spot the mines.
  4. dont use the absolutely most obvious and straight path to the objective, avoiding the mines.

in the event your point soldier gets blown by a mine, you have to adapt to that situation, by doing the following.

A) repeat to yourself 3 times: “i shouldnt have closed my eyes before rushing in”

B) repeat to yourself 3 times: “this place is mined, i rather be more careful when rushing in, or at least i should slow down and open my eyes”

C) repeat to yourself 3 times: “i will try to start using the mine counter tactics exposed in points 1 to 4, instead of rushing (as usual) to the forums asking for nerfs”

D) repeat to yourself 3 times: “since there was one mine, i can expect other places to be mined too. i will adapt to this battlefield situation, and increase my situational awareness accordingly”

E) repeat to yourself 3 times: “this is not quake arena, this is supposed to be a somewhat WW2 slow paced tactical f2p shooter, and acting accordingly, i will stop trying to change the core of the game to my personal liking”

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I hate the limit on hearts And this right here is what we needed as well as some of the Guardian Reaper stuff as well.


A) Most of the time German ap mines clip into the ground making it hard to see them even while actively looking for them.
B) There is no slowing down in enlisted currently seeing as berlin and stalingrad are close quarters maps that actively force you through choke points. The maps are simply to small for such a thing as slowing down. This is not escape from tarkov where tactics reward you with kills not rushing in and guning everyone down.
C) I only run explosive packs because i need them to destroy enemy tanks since my team is incapable to do it themselves most of the time, wasting them to get destroyed by enemy he shells is not a good strategy
D) You can’t see them even when actively looking for them because they clip into the ground most of the time.
E)This game curently is not slow paced, Battles last at most 30 minutes not 1 hour as most of you think, ap mines don’t help slowing the game down, they just make the game easier for the defending side.

I personaly don’t care if the game is slow paced or fast paced, my only problem with the game is that it promotes toxic strategies of spamming the point with mines then going to pick of the enemy team with stgs and tanks. After 10 minutes the game ends in a victory for the defenders, if you consider this being “slow paced tactical f2p shooter” gameplay then by all means keep insulting the people that actually want to have a casual fun gaming experience. I only play the soviets and seeing as berlin and stalingrad suffer the most from ap mine spam due to the maps being close quarters with a street thrown to the side.

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mined fields force me to slow down the pace, therefore i conclude there is no way to slow down the pace.

a very, very strange logical reasoning.

the other points you have make as much sense as this one, so i wont bother to actually answer each one by itself. they answer themselves if you actually read them in context, like for example “i have det packs that could blow the mines, but i rather not use them to blow the mines and complain about it” and other jewels.

My point is you CAN’T slow down in berlin and stalingrad because you get killed INSTANTLY.|

On much bigger maps such as those that were in Heroes and Generals mines will work well, but in enlisted we curently DON’T have big maps with a lot of playing area, for the soviets at high br.

If you bothered to read the thread you would have seen a fair change that makes only engi squads able to place mines as fortifications and only 1 per player, and at squad can place at mines with engineers.

But no instead of trying to see things objectively you admit you didn’t read the response entirely, and just put your bias and insults.

if you look around in the forums, this is not, by very far, the first suggestion to remove or nerf ap mines because of the spam. it is actually the current trend, together with impact grenades removal or nerf, because of the spam.

it was before, with remove or nerf the HVAR spam.
it was before, with remove or nerf the rifle nade spam.
it was before, with remove or nerf the molotov spam.
it was before, with remove or nerf the white phosphorous spam.
it was before, with remove or nerf the rifle nade (again) spam.

it is now, with remove or nerf the ap mine spam.
it is now, with remove or nerf the impact nade spam.

do you see a pattern, a particular word repetition there? they never, ever fixed the repeated issue, which seems to be, just by reading, the SPAM. they nerfed the items spammed, to the ground, instead of the SPAM. leading to reduced options for in game players that are in it for a more varied approach than rushing gun blazing, die and repeat.

it is never a good option to remove options and choices. it automatically leads to stagnant gameplay, which immediately turns to population loss.

there is ALWAYS a middle ground to meet. i will put an example of a way to nerf, but not remove, the mines. mind the reading.

while sprinting, a soldier mine detection amounts to zero. as long as the soldier is not sprinting, the soldier mine detection slowly increases by 0,5 meters, up to 2,5 meters at full stop. the mines in the radius will then be indicated by a blue mine icon, allowing the given soldier to just move to it and disarm. the mine icon turns red and blows if the soldier moves at faster than crouching base speed.

how do you like it?

Placing mines as a building might reduce the spam because you need a special squad to be able to place them, again you started replying without reading the whole thread.

I suggested that mines be placed by engineer squads only as a building and have them be one per player.

Not just spawn with 6 dudes and place mines at random on the point then go kill the enemy. How about you have to build them tactically around entrances and support other fortifications.


i posted a thread about this

honestly, mines should just disappear on squad wipe
if you can’t maintain your squad you don’t get to maintain your droppings, either
you don’t get to set off TNT after death or blow up extra grenades after you die

Also, german mines should work like the others and not embed into the ground. Or more accurately, into any surface regardless of how not-dirt like it is.

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