Remove aircraft carrier from Japan

Can we have more balancing in the air? P47 comes right away while japanese planes take off from that dumb platform. I don’t see benefits except delaying the response by….forever.


Carrier is a neat idea but if you allow land based planes to spawn in at full speed at about the same distance then they get problematic.
The only thing they would need to do is move the land based air spawn back by like 2 or 3 km carrier spawn would no longer be a penalty.

Love the carriers.

We suggest airfields for non navy planes.


What you really need is to use a level 4 fighter
Because all the planes that need to take off will never be able to defeat the US military’s high-altitude birth vehicles.

Don’t expect the authorities to do anything about this matter


I don’t want to spend 1 or 2 minutes taking off and accelerating
Not to mention the risk of being intercepted by enemies on the road.

This is a bad idea
Because automatic anti-aircraft firepower cannot be deployed so far away
Even if there is no enemy interception during the whole process
It may have been 3 minutes by the time you reach dive airspace.
At this time, the friendly forces have lost their ground strongholds or missed the best time to attack.
When you attempt a dive attack
The anti-aircraft units on the opposite side will make your efforts in the first 3 minutes a waste.

in quick RESUME,no, I already make a suggestion for do a rework instead of delete it, I am bothered of the people who keep saying this without think in other optimal changes

they need more than that;

they need a competent set of tier 1 and 2 fighter-bombers; things that can compete with American fighters; not a A6M2 from 1941-1942

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just going to post here since it was already answered in the main body…

Maybe you should think about why you shouldn’t take off from the perspective of a plane player

Just like my reply in that article
A high-risk takeoff is worse than a suicide plane
Because no one wants to be shot down by an opposite aircraft due to insufficient acceleration and altitude after takeoff.
Think about those Japanese carrier-based aircraft
They explained this perfectly

It takes at least 2 to 3 trips to reach the speed and altitude of a high-altitude rebirth aircraft.
This means that it takes about 3 to 5 minutes to travel back and forth in a high-risk environment to reach the level of a high-altitude rebirth aircraft.
You will encounter anti-aircraft guns and aircraft along the way and your flight performance will be reduced due to being attacked.
Have to spend more time traveling there and back
High-performance aircraft may reach standards sooner
But what about the others?
Think about those slow planes (like 188)
Their speed is probably under 280
He will waste a lot of time taking off and accelerating
The plane on the opposite side can take off and drop bombs, then rush towards you.
At this time, they can hunt you completely outside the range of the anti-aircraft guns.

Without an aircraft carrier how would they get their aircraft to the combat zone?