Remove ability of using assault rifles with stalingrad engineer soldiers but unlock it for stalingrad engineer squads

Hello comrades!

Engineers with assault rifles are op, i understand. Constantly cycling 18 engineers with mkb/h might be a bit too strong…


A solution would be, do NOT let stalingrad engineers use the assault rifles, BUT engineers which are used in the stalingrad engineer squads. We got 2 engineer squads in stalingrad which could use them, that means we are forced to cycle with other squads instead of constantly 3 op engineer squads…

… i mean you limited specializations to 2 in an active preset, so i bet 2 of these engineer squads with assault rifles should not change too much… except for making those who paid or worked for the stalingrad access content, which was promised to stay forever.

Those who paid for them got tricked, it is unfair and brings bad reputation to the development of the game. Promising to keep forever and taking it away after buying them is not fair at all.

What do you think?

remember two things:

not everyone owns these stalingrad squads, so you will not always face them.

free assaulter squads can take 4 assault rifles, one sniper with assault rifle and with a machinegun too, so it will not really change the use of full auto weapons at all.


even with my poor programming skills, I think I understand that the weapons are linked to the soldiers and the squad is only a vessel, therefore it would require modifying the squad itself and enabling the use of assault rifles on engineers as an unlockable perk in the perk tree, you can try asking but don’t hope for a yes

@Euthymia07 @EdVanSchleck


that was the plan, but it didnt work because you could move the engineers from Stalingrad engineer squads to non Stalingrad squads.


How about adding it as a special squad upgrade to the two engineer squads from stalingrad?

Why are people so stuck on the Engineers having Stgs and Assault rifles

I think this is a much better, clearer solution

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how about this we change all engineer on stalingrad to something like assault engineer class so basically a new engineer class with that ability? idk im no expert just want to give it a shot that all

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as much as I loved and enjoyed the Stalingrad engineers I believe this is the right call. For the best of this game.


Don’t forget everyone who unlocked Engineers I (level 3) and Engineers II (level 25) could’ve used these soldiers with assault rifles if Darkflow decided to keep this feature. That would never have been a privilege for those who bought the Stalingrad pass. If you have unlocked MkB in Moscow or will unlock it after merge engineers Stalingrad engineers would’ve been able to equip them. Applies to everyone.

I think it would be very, very bad for this game if most of the players pre-merge are able to equip engineers with assault rifles (even MkB:s) but not new players. That’s not how you welcome new players to the game.

Why do people want to have this privilege anyway? Get over it.


The stg 44 as an example is also available for snipers… so… why not?

Yes but the Sniper has any weapon that has a scope. It’s technically an explicit variant. It’s like if they added the M3 carbine which is an M2 with a scope it would likely go to Sniper

The Engineer like various other classes like AT, Mortar, Radio, etc are all glorified riflemen

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What if small variations are allowed?
This is the grenade MkB-42(W). It’s suitable as a combat engineer.


That weapons fits more for assaulters in my opinion. What better to ASSAULT a point than an assault rifle and rifle grenades

In fact I’d say that would likely be a Premium or Event squad, or an event weapon

As said before, this would be very unfair to new players since they would never get that privilege ever again, besides everyone at high BR matches would automatically use 2 engineer squads with AR’s, so the meta would be very dull.
They just belong on assaulters, I really don’t think engineers need to be even more powerful even if AR’s on engineers is fun.


I prefer that weapon classes stay distinct.

If an Engineer wants an assault rifle they can literally pick it up off the battle floor


Americans with 6 squads of engies with M2 carbines and metric ton of riflemen with same gun:
“Look What They Need to Mimic a Fraction of Our Power”


still OP. either every engineer gets to use assault rifles or nobody gets to use them.

engineers could basically replace assaulters at that point…

so it would become p2w squad. it really isnt that much better.

yeah 6 assaulters that would also have option to build MG nest, AT gun and AA gun, alongside with rally points against 4 assaulters, 1 basic engineer with semi auto and whatever you have selected.
cant you see the problem?


m2 is close combat weapon. stg44, fedorov are excellent mid range weapons that are good in cqc and are decent at long range. while m2 can be used in mid range, it is not really good at it, not to mention long range that it totally sucks.

not really same comparison.



Even if you subtract the assault engineers from here, there are 5 submachine guns and 1 machine gun. There are a total of 6 people. The engineer squad also has 6 members. So why isn’t this a problem? Stalingrad was designed from the beginning so that engineers could carry assault rifles. So isn’t it right to make it meet the expectations of players who have been waiting for it?

Oh, I forgot. Originally in Stalingrad the MKB or assault rifle was for everyone. What you can see directly is the AVT-40. Because it was originally a weapon for everyone. In fact, in Berlin, the AVT-40 is a regular automatic rifle. It’s just that someone opposed it. Are you still there?


because most likely, upcoming squads for newcomers post merge will have the ability to get the same amount ( with medics ).

instead of being handicapped against legacy with 6 men stgs.

p.s. medics do not get access to ARs outside gold order.

cause they dont have utility of engineers at the same time.

and there is no more stalingrad. it is now just question of allowing every squad to equip AR with engineers or removing stalingrad engineers access to AR.

This one is easy. Just add them into the tech tree. Call it the assault engineer squad