Removal of overheat from vehicle autocannons and machine guns

overheating is stupidly fast,ahistorical,and just a souring of vehicle experience in this game.The overheat feature applies to all MGs and autocannons,but should only be present on engineer emplacements that don’t have to deal with ammo count,and not autocannons and vehicle MGs that also have to deal with ammo count on top of overheating.look at the MG 42 on tanks for example,you can only fire for around 1.5~2 seconds before overheating for something like 8~10 seconds.this is also an issue for SPAAs,which is absolutely braindead when DF made AA guns not have to face overheat anymore as well.these changes would be greatly received by most the players and is fairly easy to do since it is only changing a few values.


Yes but all didnt have that ability!

Just change the values so the gun overheats after shooting ±2-3 magazines without releasing the trigger.
This way it won’t affect you if you shoot “normally”, but will stop you if you mindlessly hold the trigger. That’s what the overheat should be about from the gameplay perspective (imo).


its insane how my german infantry can magdump an entire mg42 belt of 100 rounds but shooting 20 bullets from a tank destroys the gun


that could work good,but an exception would have to be made about low ammunition MGs such as the Type 97 or Breda Mod 38 since they only have 20 rounds compared to 100 and 250 rounds.

Generally I’d say you should be able to fire at most 75-ish rounds continuously (reload magically removed). Maybe 100 if we include upgrades, perks or something.
That’s enough to stop somebody from mindlessly spraying lead but it’s not enough to be a hindrance if you fire “normally”. At least that’s my experience from playing with MGs in different games (also ones without overheat).

But I can’t really tell how fast the cooling should be. It’s hard to get a feeling for this.

Btw, bren also had quick change barrel. So it’s not like small magazine (30) means no overheat. Trained bren crews can reload crazy fast, like 2s fast.
But that’s IRL.


Its also worth remember when we think of reloading these weapons, they often tended to be crew served, and as the old adage goes, two heads are better than one. Like as much as I would love to be able to rambo with a bren and reload in 2 seconds.

I think it would make much more sense at allow another member from your squad to act as an assistance gunner, auto trigger it maybe if you brace your MG on a window ledge or something. This in turn would allow you to fire either larger belts for belt fed weapons, or decrease the reload time noticeably.

Also it would just be cool af to see MG teams working, especially like on the Japanese Type 11, where it could be a super cool feature for your squad to pass their spare ammo clips to the assistant machine gunner to feed into the hopper.

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I think the overheat should stay otherwise vehicles would be too strong. As an example at BR 1 the Pz. III E have 2x coaxial MG34 with 150 rounds belt each. Since there are no recoil mechanic for tank MGs, there must be some drawbacks to using it.

Perhaps the problem is with the speed of overheat decay not the mechanic itself. The overheat value have 2 decay rates, one before the weapon overheat and one after. The overheated weapon decay rate is way too slow.

The 8 seconds or so cool down period where you can’t use your MG after it have overheated should be reduced drastically. The cool down period should be a bit longer than the time it take for flamethrowers on tank to cool down before you can start shooting again.

you know
Tank machine guns are terrible balance breakers for idiots
So the authorities weakened the machine guns to protect the idiots

M2 Stinger can shoot off all 200 rounds but any of the tank overheats after few seconds.

Tank MGs have vastly nerfed damage per shot. It wouldn’t make them overpowered since right now you have countless ways to take them out. At BR2 everyone has access to the powerful rocket/nade launchers and even at BR1 you have planes with bombs or HMG.