OK, so I’m having an issue with the reloads on some of my guns where if I shoot 1 round I instantly reload without me pressing the reload button, and this has gotten me killed multiple times, probably like 30 times at this point. Does anyone know how to fix this? I’m on Xbox Series S and I use the Xbox One version.
You should precise wich gun and when you reload at what number of munition because for now your explication is to vague and a video would help to understand the problem
So far I’ve really only had it happen on rifles and SMGs like the M1903 USMC, the M1 Carbine, and the first Grease Gun that you get. Also I don’t have a video of it happening but I can try to get one when I can, but it automatically reloads immediately after I fire 1 bullet, and it happens a lot with the M1 Carbine, and it even does it with it even when I don’t shoot
I see you are playing on Xbox, I would ask you if your controller is completely fine, because maybe the issue is there is a damage inside and the button for the reload is triggered from a false input coming when you move the controller or press one of the controller button even if you don’t press the reload button, if you ask how I know it, I have a cemetery of PS2 controller so is an issue I know to well
Btw try to change the reload on another button to see if it keeps to happen
Or maybe it error that resurface from a long time ago when the halloween event was up I was just able to click once with the grease gun if the mag was 31 and it come to 30 it was jam. But that was on PC and related to the mod
this is my thought also. considering that it is not widely reported, it is most likely error on user side and controllers are very prone to breaking down.
Yeah there not as durable as old controllet like the Xbox 360 one or the game cube controller
My controller is fine. I always store it in a bag when I’m not using it, I don’t throw it at a wall, and I don’t press on the buttons hard most of the time, unless I’m in a button mashing sequence, which is rare. Maybe I need to update my controller
even if you are rather careful with your controller it can break cause it has lots of mechanical parts and all mechanical parts wear off with time(some sooner, some later). your controller might not be broken, so testing it with second controller(borrow if you can) will give you clear results if the problem is in controller or not.
No this is a known bug as literally other console players literally have this same issues like damn is all of our Xbox and ps5 controller broken with the same issue damn must be coincidence but really tho it’s annoying and definitely not our controllers lmfao
Really? That’s reassuring cuz I don’t wanna get another controller, like mine is only a few months old, I’ve had it since I think October
Yeah you’re good just like I have literally heard from like a lot of people that it’s still happening to them even in 2022 it was still there so yeah
I did kind of find a solution to it, though it’s only a temp fix, you can swap to another member of your squad and it temporarily fixes it, but if you ain’t got another squad member, well then it’s time to whip out the Hi Power