🏆 Reinforcements received: Victory day

I feel you on that lol Call of duty does event after event and sometimes it makes you feel like less of a gamer and more of an employee. Its not the events themselves its the time limit stress of it all.


Thank (great event) you and have a happy day of victory.

Warthunder has this too, to be honest they need to add more incentive for ppl that kept coming back. not just a bunch of random silver orders

15k points was too much before. 10k or 8k is more reaosnable

Except me (bout 2 games a day)


Excelent! 10K points per day is fine, can be done in one battle with some luck and skill.
The rewards are nice too especialy that they are not locked to the last day.
The additional stage rewards are very welcomes especialy if a player has missed a day before, it makes it worth continuing the event.

Just let us complete a couple of days in advance or maybe leave the event open - i.e. in this event player will have to do 260,000 points in 26 days, so they can play when they have time. However I understand that the idiea is to keep players coming each days, so as long as we have those empty last stages I am good with the current system.

Tank slot? Why would people use this over KV-1 or T-34? Maybe only if it’s on super low BR.

Aso, 1 stage per day afain SUCKS.

welp this thing gonna be in tank slot right? I guess I could try it out for like 3 match then go back to aircraft unless new system still have the squad upgrade thing.

Finally! I hope to see more vehicle squad events in the future! :grinning:

I only need to get 10k score in 16 days. Sounds good.

Just like there was less than 300 jumbos? Yet everyone on Allies has to potential to get one. This game doesnt care about prototype numbers and you make it clear above youre just biased against giving Germany anything.

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Yeah this needs a different slot to regular tanks

Fucking hell this is not a mobile game with the rapid fire on events even worse with the daily limit just to force players to basically play everyday. Even mobile game events allow you to finish everything in one sitting on your leisure.

Even real armies have rotations to allow their troops to have some R&R which is something we don’t have on the way we are doing events since February.

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I can agree with this. But thats never going to happen.

“Lets fucking go” bro theres nothing to go on about, youve already admitted personal bias and emotion. You also concede that you would remove the Jumbo according to your logic. I rest my case.

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To take our mind off, the fact, still a few months till merge keke
Do you think we will get a Market Place one day like WT?
Because i don’t do Moscow and others, but if i do this next event, maybe could sell them to others that, do :stuck_out_tongue:

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›Hey yeah I agree we could remove that too
›Uhh I rest my case ur biased
I’m not arguing with you, I agreed
There is no case to rest




Damn man you’re pressed digging deep over a comment about items in a video game. I feel for you.

You realize its a simple click on your name to see it, right?


shut up, calinfornians are humans too. said no one ever