Reinforcements received: USSR paratroopers!

Ah, the long awaited USSR paras, immediately after getting them I’m going to jump out over heavy snow without deploying my chute, just as the great Stalin intended.


yea im also curious since it suppose to be going on from 3 hour ago

so u gave soviets pzfaust100 while german paratroopers have pzfaust60? is it a joke? Give fedorov to german paratrroopers then


nah how about mkb42 to even it out?

i mean mkb42 is quite similar to federov right?

but then again im also concern about where the event is

nvm it started now

Vodka my friend, VODKA :grin:

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I’ll finally start using the USSR once I get these!

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Yay, another limited-time FOMO event for an OP Squad that you’ll regret not slaving away every day of your life for an entire month for.

These event concepts really need a re-think, it’s awful. Or at least let players’ progress it in Custom Matches, at the reduced 0.2x rate (which btw is still too low, Custom Match penalty should not be lower than the 0.7x desertion penalty lol).

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Is it me, or event squad looks cooler, than premium one (don’t mind at all :smile:).
Giving me wibes of the time, when i was creating assets for coh2 soviet paratroopers. Hope enlisted counterpart also will have a blue hat as customization option.



Will be cool to have some other paratroopers uniforms as customization, here are some examples:




Bro i can’t do it because im going on holiday, did they not think about that so many people go away during Christmas and won’t be able to do it? They should have done the event at the start of next year

At the very least, they should extend it to 31 days

The blue pilotka is a must, its not hard to implement either.

And what does it mean by you can skip a few tasks

To get the main reward you only need to complete 8 tasks while the total amount of tasks available is 13, so you can skip 5 tasks and still be able to get the squad.

So wdym by skip the tasks, like do you miss days or buy then or like skip all the tasks for free and get the paratroopers ?

Yes, If you miss them.

IMO it was a bad idea to start this new event merely hours after the greatest change to the entire Enlisted game, that is the merge, when everyone has to manage their whole armies over again for many hours, perhaps even days before they feel like ready to play.

In my case I have so many soldiers in just German army (over 600), my game starts to stutter a bit when I go into soldiers selection screen. Maybe next day I will be able to play some battles using Japan army as it basically is the same as before the merge.

It was obvious that after such an update people need to sort things out for a bit of time and there wasn’t any given.



Bad UI, bad presets and no button to unequip everything doesn’t help

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I assume this is to make this squad usable in all campaigns. Does that mean that we will get an option to change the squad presets in the supply crate as well?

well, they need a way to entice people to play even if they don’t like the merge. Having an event with some OP squad and good overall reward is a nice way to achieve their objectives.

This is what you can do wtih premium ones…