Reinforcements received: Rocket Storm!

I like it pretty good i kill M4 today with rocket arty so nice

Okay, so if they stay the same price then that means it would cost about 3,600 gold to get to level 6, which is the US squad. I’m guessing that I can only purchase one stage a day though, or is it every 2 days? Sometimes I wish that the events in this game weren’t so confusing, or expensive or time consuming. Pick one really. In simple terms I would have to spend at least $50.00 on gold, and have to wait who knows how long to unlock the rewards that I actually want.

Honestly, engee with mg is very cool :slight_smile:

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Yes. And he can also use SMGs and sniper rifles. I’m honestly a bit sad that that’s getting fixed, I think it’d be fun to leave this one engineer as a jack of all trades (as long as they leave it so with the other 3 nations as well).

Like having one pocket Assault Engineer lol


The japanese squad has german names

2024-07-01 172249


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Wait so do I still have time even though I’ll return to the states on the 6th of July?

Of course, you might still be able to get most of the reward from the event


you couldn’t resist giving them the worst perks possible to make us waste some more silver? ; )

But honestly, consider giving event soldiers a clean sheet in the future.

Also just got my squad, and can inform you it’s fixed now

  1. JPN faces/names
  2. Can’t equip MG:s and SMG:s

But not for those who already acquired the squads. They’re still broken …

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I will try out this “broken squad version” whenever event reset I bet it gonna be fix by then

wow, what a lovely outfit


look good tbh


How much time do I have until it expires? I ask because I’ve returned yesterday from PR and when I went to turn on my PS5 my controller wasn’t responding at all so today I ordered one through Walmart which I should receive by Wednesday or Thursday of this week.

There are 10 steps (meaning 10 times 20000 points) remaining for the event with one step ending in 10 hours or so.

Is there a dif between 1st signal troop and 1st signal regiment?

wow, the grey uniform is so good looking


there really need to be more grey uniform tbh they look good


i just wanted to say, commendation and props for actually delivering event squads with at least two cosmetics per most campaign presets instead of just one:

( pity will be forever locked to these specific squads, ) but still.

( even though battle of the bulge lacks presets like the stalingrad/Rzhev and moscow )

( even though berlin has default preset )

and… lacks of pouches.

but again, kudos :+1:


Why do you think so? Isn’t one outfit already reused from premium G41 snipers?

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those are similar, but different.

the g41 squad is dark gray.

this one is light gray.

same goes for the m44 tunic.
it does look like the wzb semi auto berlin Open beta squad, but in reality, those two have different colors.

updated the pics.