Reinforcements received: Paratroopers

feel bad for you :pensive:

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Appreciate the event and the lowered point threshold. Please note that 12k points is not ‘very little effort’ unless you are on holiday. Somedays you can hit that in 3 or fewer matches, other days you could be grinding 8+ (like when you select Join any team and get dumped into the bot side of a battle). That said, over all, not complaining. Looking forward to the updates too.


I’m not the biggest fan of the new event types, don’t get me wrong they have really good rewards and are pretty easy to win. But the new event types are just so long and boring, they take like a month to finish and half of the days you don’t get any rewards. I would be happy if I just got a couple of bronze or silver orders every day of the event to make it feel like I was doing something, a little reward to give me that bump of dopamine like I am accomplishing something. But instead you just finish a step, get nothing, wait 24 hours before you can do it all again and get nothing for that.


M13s might be some of the easiest tanks to kill in the game, and they never look in the air so I bet you will be fine.

I have never seen an m13 been used an anti-air gun. Their crews are always fighting infantry.

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I have, very often. I love the iconic zero, so I’m often in the air with it.

And up til now, only 3 things manage to take me down sometimes. Normal aa guns. Bomber formations (I chase them trying to take em down, but in Pacific they’re sponges, and they melt my zero after a while)… and m13.

M13 is special… it’s a vehicle that is good even in end game because of how (annoying) good it’s anti infantry capability is… but it’s also an entry lvl vehicle. So often, newcomers will drive it, improperly and are easy to dodge. But some other times, vets will drive em, and nothing… NOTHING will get passed them while they camp far away on a hill. Not even my cute fighter plane…

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If you go into a steep dive using a zero on an M13 they can rarely counter it. and if they are camping on a hill, you can just keep shooting out their engine and their gunner using the Type 97 (the best anti tank rifle in the game). the “armor” on the m13 is paper thin and can be dealt with from almost and range with any anti-tank armament even HMGs, you just have to take out the gunner first and then the engine. Using this to you advantage you can hide across the map and easily snipe them every time they spawn. the M13 is only good if you don’t know how to counter it or if you only know how to take out tanks using explosion packs.

Veterans in ANY thing are scary.
(I actually brought down an enemy plane with a bombing run that I called in. One of the bombs hit or its blast radius destroyed the floatplane. The only reason I knew about it was I saw it in my killfeed.)


Do you know how to get 12000 in 2 or 3 games ?

Radio Squad bombers
chase them and destroy them all.

everyone should play radio squad during this events
to ease the grind to others :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:



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I always do so. However, to do a steep dive, you must reach a good point first… and a good m13 driver wont let you get over him. As for Japanese AT, they thankfully possess the best at rifle of the game, and it sure can take m13 easily… providing the m13 didn’t see you first, which they often do.

But that’s beside the point. My point being, m13 is simply annoying, because it is spammed, repeatedly, by every enemy player. Vehicle should not have been an entry lvl one, because even fools charging ahead with those will manage to take a good chunk of your squad with them, and if it doesn’t, the other just behind will, then the 3rd one that immediately spawned as soon as you took out the first.

They’re just too numerous, a real bore.

battle score :roll_eyes:

Sorry mate, event prizes are only for pro gamers, not for people with a healthy social life.


I really think you are giving the M13 way to much credit, but maybe you have different experiences facing it than I do. Personally I think it is fine both in performance and placement in the tech tree, I wouldn’t be bothered if it were moved up, but I think it is fine where it is. In my experience they are mostly used by players who don’t know what they are doing and are easily dispatched, rarely when one does get used by a better player they can still be dispatched with some additional effort. They can be beat at any range by any anti-tank weapon and if they come in close they can be taken out with a katana. their field of view is very limited making them relatively oblivious (one of the greatest weaknesses) making it easy for a high flying plane or well positioned anti-tank gunner to beat them in most engagements. not to mention in late parts of the battle the spawn point will be littered with M13s limiting their mobility. So I don’t see the “spamming” of the M13 to be a problem, and I especially don find it “boring” I enjoy destroying them, as it is very easy if you know what to do. But I recognize that not all matches are the same and you might be having some bad luck facing good players.

I don’t really see the Allies using any armored vehicles in the Pacific but the M13 can be a fearsome weapon.
In one of my first matches I ever played I sat in a corner by a capture point and shot enemies as they crested the hill towards the capture point until I ran out of ammunition.

If they aren´t driven by a litteral fetus then they can be game changing. A non fetus will also see you way quicker than you him and it gets worse depending on the map and M13 location.

Most people with more than 2 braincells will quickly realize they´re driving an AA vehicle and will take pot shots at any plane that gets near the playable area. It´s ussually a 50/50 chance in my experience, also depending on how busy the objective is.

Very good rewards set up. The main prizes aren’t at the very end, making me stress about whether I’ll have time to play, but 30 appearance orders is cool enough for me to want to try to get to the very end. I like that a lot!


I thought we were getting cat paras… :wink:

Yeah hope they get theyr own tree.

And if we wanted more diverse Italian paratrooper unit we could get Ascari del Cielo - Ascari del Cielo - Wikipedia

Aka first Italian Paratrooper unit composed mostly of colonial troops from Lybia.



Sure, maybe hugo boss designed the German WW2 uniforms (I’m avoiding certain words here that rhyme with mazi) But Italian ones put them to shame.

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