Reinforcements received: Paratroopers

What if that crate lands on the roof or on the tree? Are we then screwed?


Finally, a solid and rewarding amount of appearance orders ! 10 was just not cutting it.


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Hi, Is there a chance, that after the upcoming big update we will get access to the gaijin market and can sell or buy enlisted squad coupons on the market? :grin:

In a situation where some squad members are in the gray zone and some are not, will the squad members be separated upon respawn after landing?


I’m surprised that the Pacific has the event squads but regardless I’m happy to obtain them either way.

As for the way the event is set up, we do need 3,000 less points compared to the AT Rifle Squads for Moscow. Yet the whole logging in everyday might be an issue for some players due time constraints.

To help those who might struggle and/or miss these squads, maybe have an end of the year event to offer it to those who missed it, and for those who already have them they would just get a gold order or something. I hope this is something you can consider for any and all future events.

Anyway, awesome event, I can’t wait to try out these squads!



And players that let’s say join in 1 month, they won’t have any paratroopers like the rest of us, and or have to pay to get them?


The one campaign wich has AA vehicles gets the free Paratroopers :skull:

I can already see my squad being picked off from the sky by the next chickenshit M13 spammer after the previous one died 5 seconds ago. Seems more survivable though than going on foot or god vorbid use a boat.


Why do I have the feeling most of the time you jump, 80% of your squad AI dies due to landing outside of play area. These things need to be polished for it to translate well into gameplay.

Maybe I’m wrong or at least I hope I’m wrong. ::

JP has most op AT rifle in a game so M13 were never a problem your skill is a problem.

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When you will reveal the new weapons/vehicles ? I won’t say campaign levels since it will be reworked.

Don´t hit me with that skill issue shit, I roll with an AT guy in every sqaud I can. Don´t mean I like stopping what I´m doing all the fucking time just because my team can´t be bothered to do shit themselves. When´s the last time you saw an ally player use an AT rifle anyway? Yeah never because they don´t need to bother with AT sqauds at all. Their armor sqaud is their AT squad.

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Wait you´re that guy who said the jap AT rifle is op lmao bro :skull:

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Great rewards.

I don’t like the “points bracket” format however. It means that to obtain everything, one has to log everyday…

Still, putting the big rewards in the middle, is a nice touch and makes it more forgiving for those with a more busy life.

I like it overall. Can’t wait to do silly things like old H&G with paras again: will be fun.


Another content for PACISHEET campaign …

It would make more sense tahnt in Pacific …

Nice rewards and i like that we need less score, it will allow more players to get them!

Hope we will see 185 Paracadutisti Divisione for Italians, they had really nice uniforms and were great soldiers!


that Italian gun look like it can hold 20 round right? from the look of the magazine.

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This one looks more like 10 round mag, but most of time they had normal 40 round magazines.

ah i see
