Reinforcements received: Normandy paratroopers

Why is it Allies and Axis?

Also 12k is too much, requires 4-5 games every evening depending on the opposition

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Maybe now we play Axis and Allies, but soon we will play Allied and German army.


-Sounds of MG42 and 20mm flak being loaded-

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MG42 not hitting anything bcs it ahs like highest dispersion in the game - thats so stupid like from its accuracy stats its the worst of all

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The most difficult thing about this event is not even farming the points, but having to play the squad mode, “what a cool new event for points, I’m going to get on a plane and farm since they don’t have time to use anti aerial”, I’d like to see them farm like that in lone fighter mode

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The American 100 rounds LMG is primarily useless at long-range but great at hip firing in CQC. The FG is more versatile.

You are using it wrong. MG42 is supposed to be fired in very short bursts unless you hip firing in CQC. It’s the best room clearing weapon in Berlin.

Hard to believe consider its okay dispersion, better recoil and lower rof.

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yes i do fire short bursts always but its disperion is just too high - its the highest of all MGs in the game and even one of the highest of any weapons in the game i believe. Even in hip fire close range - i even have record it - it behaves so weird smetimes and just doesnt hit

I have been experimenting with MG34 and MG42 for some weeks now since i always used MG42 as soon as i got it and recently i saw a video about it copared to other MGs in the game and honestly the MG34 just feel so much better (even when i miss the high fire rate and the sound :frowning: )