Reinforcements received: La Résistance

Nope, there is jumbo in Normandy and Panzer4 F2 in Moscow before the merge.

Lol we are talking about the armband in Tunisia? Tell me how many 4 years old kid know what the armband is about?
Armband in Tunisia is HA problem just like Puma in Moscow, wearing winter cloth in desert is not a HA problem.

Puma exists in moscow because it would absolute dogshit in berlin against t 34 85s and is 2s. Because of this i think it is acceptable inaccuracy. But the armbands are purely cosmetic so keeping them in tunisia doesnt make any sense in any standpoint. It is unhistorical and doesnt provide any gameplay benefits so it should not exist there


Jumbo was as constant pain for a year or more until Germans got up to the level I guess (not only because it did not belong), but you’re right. It wasn’t good but it wasn’t too bad either for me.

I was talking about winter/summer clothes in where it is silly. I don’t care much about armbands (probably because I did not know history this detailed), but I was fascinated by the amount of civilians in Maisky Forestry, I guess I hit a group of mushroom pickers there last time. I hope it will get toned down after the initial rush (and then the possible nerf).

Doesn’t really matter it is acceptable or not. Puma in Moscow and armband in Tunisia are both WW2 HA problem. Which is not comparable to Israel which is post war.

Then what is the point of you starting this conversation if you are talking about different stuff?

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Yes it matters. Puma is in low br because it would be useless in high br. So there is an valid reason for it to be unhistorical. Armbands are in tunisia just to ruin the immersion. I guess the devs are too lazy to remove them or something but there is no valid reason to keep them there. If you wanna play with volksturm in tunisia i recommend custom matches (except the devs apparently hate the modding community and they refuse to fix editor and customs even if promised)

No it doesn’t matter because we are doing a HA comparison here. You are just talking about balance which is another topic.

I think we were talking about nonsense added to Enlisted, and the accepted level of that.

Armbands, Puma, winter clothes, weapons that were not used in real fights and weapons that do not belong to ww2, bad painting etc:

  • there are things that are good for game balance (Puma in Moscow according to others, as in other places it would suffer due to the stupid current BR regulations. But honestly, non-übermensch with normal submachine guns never fought in Berlin, just Fedorovs and Cönders and FGs everywhere? SVTs were all around in a time period were I am not even allowed to use them since merge, risking to get into Berlin instead, where they were not much used as they stopped producing them in 1942),
  • there are things that are historically inaccurate and not necessary (Seagull and armbands in Tunisia), out of place camo on planes and tanks etc. (also since merge)
  • and then what you correctly wrote, things that are just screwed up, Italian parachuters landing in shorts to snowy Russian winter

You were saying that armbands are not as bad as post-war content, but first I read only your reply stating “Armbands in Tunisia is just like Puma in Moscow.” and assumed you’re saying similar bshit has already been added so no point in fighting against it, and responded to it. Now that I read the full thread, I agree it was partially a thread hijack. :slight_smile:

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Tell me one reason why armbands should be in tunisia other than “puma is in moscow so we can throw all immersion away”. The game having historical innaccuracies doesnt mean that we need to add more. Especially without any proper reason

Did I said this anywhere?

Totally stoked for this squad, but I can’t complete the event as I’m going away, I also can’t buy the missing stages as they only extend that offer for like a day, which I’m also away for. This sucks, can you guys come up with a better way of letting us guys access these please?

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Well why do you want armbands in tunisia then?

how so???
i know its best sim
in no other game there are such detailed tank usage