Reinforcements received: Fire attack

Great, I like this event’s exp mechanic, and 10k per day is an alright amount. However, the mode with unlimited tasks per day was the most fair, since no exp was wasted at the completion of one task - if a battle went well, I completed 1 task and had already added 3k to the next one. On limited tasks per day, some exp will always fly away without progressing the tasks.


Yeah keep doing this, No one will pay for premium squad.

As expected. Not today, not on the weekend, but when I leave for vacation :smiley:


giphy (6)


It’s nice we’re getting LUFTFAUST-B but can we actually have working AA guns instead of relying on hand held AA weapons.


gaijin knows its customer base ¯_(ツ)_/¯

It’s a fender? :eyes:

Nice…very nice

There’s that Suprise I was waiting to avoid :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you, whilst I bought premiums and honestly do feel a little ‘off’ about the near same vehicles being offered, I still support this project, premiums generally are unique, not just decals… That is what gold order vehicles are for.

Either way, the amount of XP is reasonable as you have 2 days to earn it, but preferred old way in previous event, where I could manage my own time.

The fliegerfaust is interesting addition too, now a polite request, don’t forget bugs, the new backpack straps glitch, the Beaufighter wheels are wonky (on CBR) but issue looked closed?

More to the point where do we put feedback on latest patches, there was a post before but seems like nobody is using it.

Keep up good work anyways :+1:

Ask your friend to log on your account and gain exp for you. I did this for my friend so he could get the Normandy paratroopers last time and he was super happy

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I did that for 2 of my mates…almost burned me out lol

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I think you’re right, it’s a way to extend the event longer than usual.

Also, this most likely means no merge before October.


welp the new plane are nice especially for low lvl pacific player like me since those slowpoke aircraft are easy to shoot down but anyway enough about me being bad the Luftfaust B seem like a AT class weapon? i mean who else can use it? rifleman? well if it rifleman expect everyone to have at least 1 of them but if it AT guy then it gonna be a bit more rare anyway cant wait for the Luftfaust B as for plane it meh for me since im bad at flying even with the video but im trying to improve so maybe one day i can get good

It’s ok, I’ll enjoy some jungle foe real in the meantime :smiley:

20k in two days, at least better than 10k in one day, but far worse than no upper limit in a day. Many people only have time on weekends.It’s best not to limit the progress that players get, or it’s also a good choice 70k in a week.


Is the new weapon maded of bamboo?

I mean wait, the merger’s open development beta service, if it’s not going to happen until October, then the actual merger will only take longer.
However, currently more players are then forced to grind duplicate regiments across campaigns (e.g. 5 1st order engineer regiments in Germany, 5 2nd order engineer regiments). And this, as envisaged by the development team in the past, will not be compensated for. And they didn’t answer the question about players being rich in R&D points for individual regiments.
So I’m waiting to see if the dev team will give veteran players a reason to leave.
After all, some of the dev team are cycling through the free tech tree templates (full battle level, but once “fair game” event corps configurations) to shop around on the official servers. (Some don’t.)
I don’t know how much they think about it.
But the past six months have at least proved that they don’t want to do what some people in certain forums claim: that the development team is all-knowing and doesn’t need any suggestions from the players, nor do they need to borrow from the players’ design solutions.
But progress remains slow, like a car stuck in a Russian swamp. Even though they have expanded with a considerable number of new aide members and restructured positions.

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