Reinforcements received: APCs

Hmmmm in one image the BRITISH Universal Carrier squad is British. In the other it’s American

It better be British

oh yea i remember the t28 and bt-7a my favorite vehicle in soviet arsenal

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There should be skins for APCs as well


Its British, there was some confusion earlier but we can confirm it’ll use british customization now.


so can we significantly reduce the overheat time on the premium german half-track then? So it still has any relevance? I mean this one has a 75mm gun AND an mg.

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When we get American halftracks hopefully it’s the M3.

Yes they did lend lease them to the Soviets, but the M5 and M9 were entirely lend leased to the Soviets. It would be sick irony if when they release American halftracks they give them the M5/9 even though they never used it


Good event.

Such an awesome event! Thank you devs! This Sd.kfz. will make a fine addition to my collection :heart_eyes:

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There should be a tick button to choose if you spawn inside or outside, just like the airdrop option for paratroopers. Sometimes you want to rush into battle to capture the objectives ASAP - and sometimes you want to stay inside the vehicle, especially if it is well-armored and you don’t want to lose all your bots at once from an assaulter that happened to pass the APC witht a fully-loaded PPSh.


Good event, the APC’s are fun to use, they are literally made of paper and it’s more useful to have a vehicle with real ammo power than a “rally point” that moves faster than a slug but slower than a turtle. I’m gonna get them anyway.


I think that on an APC that’s a good idea. This actually helps the team because it helps to cover the respawn from enemy fire instead of incentivising the APC driver to use it mostly as an assault cannon - it can defeat some infantry but when a tank comes, only a good smoke cover could effectively save an APC. I will switch to smoke as soon as I spawn with this, I think this amount of smoke shells is an opportunity for some nice surprise tactics.

Can you please just give us a date, we’ve been waiting over a month now and all you keep saying is that it will come “later”
In this forum later more often than not means it’s not’s gonna come for months, which is ridiculous.


Like when they gave us the date of the merge? Sorry, that’s clearly not how it works here.


But the trucks make no beeping sound. I once lost a battle because a guy parked an APC between a rock and a house and the enemies were spawning in cover and shooting our soldiers in the backs on the way to the capture zone

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Merge and APC Customization are in no way comparable, one is the new system for the game while the other is just customization of a vehicle, they’re (developers) just being lazy

Comparable are the “estimate time” that we demand to, but never get.

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Update: The Sd.Kfz 251/9 will be BR III


And the US/UK one? Let’s be honest at BR3 this guys are gonna get more bench that the HornSTG guys.

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When is APC Customization coming Euthymia?

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I’m dying from laugher
It’s literally “baby bren carrier vs thermonuclear bomb”
Allies getting scammed again :rofl:

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