Reinforcements for Enlisted: new campaign levels

I guess this filler content is what Gaijin means when they say they want the campaigns to be level 40+. This Reinforcements update is pretty disappointing all around. Also, can we not unlock Garand and Kar98 rifles that we already have after MONTHS of grinding, justified behind a special “twist” of a mechanic?

Speaking of which, why do we unlock the famous 1st Airborne “Screaming Eagles” at level 22… ARMED WITH BRITISH STEN?! We have to grind to level 29 FOR A THOMPSON?!

I mean, there’s German in every campaign. It is inevitable.
(although, it’s suck imo)


they shouldnt stay inferior

they should stay at the same playfield level THEY CURRENTLY ARE NOT!

we neither nor want/or need p2w or pay to have less overall. we need the option to pay. and have the equal outcome conditions, with the ONLY BONUS for premium squads, the extra xp they could eventualy make as we play with them.
pay for a 4 man squad, that we can upgrade like a non premium squad if we play with them!

right now isnt a premium squad. its just another downgraded squad we can buy for real money.

ffs . besides moscow, all my campaigns are maxed out, and judging by the number of levels they deliver every 70 days, my +100% premium squad bonus means shit, since i ill always have the campaigns maxed out most of the time. care to elaborate what good are 4 man squads once my campaigns are maxed out? coz you see, you can invest into a premium squad once said campaign is maxed out . making them as worth as a dry out pickle.

you dont want to buy them, or invest as you play? all good. fair and square. but why we, that suport free to play overall have to deal with inferior items just to make the ones that cant happy? arent we supporting the game here or not? .

again. i dont want a premium squad better than the free counterpart. i want the same compositions with the only bonus the xp they make.

nothing more, nothing less

you choose to play with free squads? - you gonna have better options down the line on the batlefield per squad as you play
you choose to invest and have a premium squad? - you gonna rank faster, but have less options on the batlefield using them.

i would, as anyone would in this scenario. making an item better than currently is, for the same options as a non premium squad would bring more sales. Even at current 50+ euros/dolars per squad.
the price wouldnt be that off, if , we could have a proper squad composition to play. not 4 guys with a gun as we currently have!

lets hope they atleast do this. ffs its the bare minimum they can do to make old premium squads atleast “playable” once max campaign its reached.

ffs there are currently 4 man premium squads so badly made that raises the question, why would they limit their capabilities against non premium squads …


Quite disappointing in this for this update.

Normandy: The new trooper squads, it could’ve been a different weapon, maybe the 30 cal browning machine gun for the US, and for the Axis something thats not an Kar98k with a anti tank grenade. The anti tank grenade could’ve been added to the squads that have the rifle grenade attachment.
For the premiums I would’ve rather seen the sherman firefly instead of the Churchill which could’ve been added to Tunisia. The Stug III shouldn’t be a premium when its the most produced tank destroyer. Hurtful to say but tank destroyers serve very little purpose in this game, give it a machine gun then it’ll have some use. For the planes, we got plenty of them in Normandy, we need more focus on the infantry.

Moscow: One of my favorite campaigns but it sucks that the newest levels are flamethrowers and better versions of the tanks. I would’ve loved to see the KP-31 added. An mg 13 that has a 75 round drum mag and a Lewis which should’ve been placed into Tunisia. I find the update for these two campaigns lackluster. Will the PzIV have a HEAT shell? Will other premium infantry squads get an engineer like the new ones to make them competitive?

oops news / Premium/Premium/Premium oops a super fun modern war that doesn’t add anything after that PREMIUM!
there are many players currently playing the game because of modern warfare! PREMIUM!
Where’s the free content of the campaign, how do you want to earn income with the game crawling by dropping premiums one after another without attracting a range of people with free content and gradually releasing premium content ‘‘LITTLELY’’ we have the pass/mode premium game that releases 2 spaces for squads and xp burst, we have values ​​that are not balanced in several other countries, it doesn’t surprise me that this game doesn’t grow, I really believe that if we continue in this direction it’s the end of this game.

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People who buy premium or battlepass also support the game. Just slapping more money shouldn’t make some have better squads with no downsides, and more xp on top of that. Get a grip


“have better squads with no downsides”

  • Cant change weapons
  • cant have secondary weapons
  • cant have another types of soldier in the squad : bought a Assaulter squad? good. no engi, no radio man no bomber no trooper no Gunner for you
  • are considered inferior in any playstyle we take on the batlefield
  • have less soldiers

have this :

against this:


“just a small downside right?”

no, you should get a grip, a rubbered one. not me.


Wasn’t it all in description when You bought it?

Why complain now. I also want more for the things i paid for

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it is , it was , and will be.

doesnt change the fact that some of us, want them to be on a equal playfield comparing to non premium squads.

my investment have nothing to do on the way i look to them. i knew beforhand how they are and how will they perform for the way i play.

but to let you know , since you dont have any beta player badge, in beta, 5 squads could be bought to have extra soldiers. they removed them and not a single cent was refunded. and we kept 4 man squads since then.

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lol sue them then

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you are a litle delusional if you dont mind me saying so.

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actually no, originally the CBT squads were full squads. Darkflow retroactively changed the CBT squad makeup to only 4 soldiers after they were no longer being sold.


Just saying: If I bought the 2020 model of a car, and the manufacturer adds a cool new feature to the 2021 model of the same car, I don’t get to haul my 2020 in and demand they add that feature to my older model.

You got what you paid for then. You’ll get what you pay for now. If you don’t like that you can stop supporting the game, but that’s literally how every product works. If the squads are so underwhelming and terrible you wouldn’t (or shouldn’t) have bought them in the first place.

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That’s all good and amazing in that scenario. But isn’t the same on a game.

What about the first 6 squads on closed beta that had features removed from them once open beta started?

Shall they be bought back how I bought them or stay with that pay to win futures removed?

since I bought a squad with them shouldn’t I be entitled to own it as I bought it. ? How about that for comparisons?

Or are we both grown enough to understand this is. A game and stuff changes as we progress into it? And this is something that might need an adjustment, again, as the game development progresses?

When I bought the MG30 for example in closed beta, I could had 7 soldiers in them, an extra grenade staking perks etc .all was removed. Shouldn’t I be entitled to still own it as your car argument goes or do you understand what I wrote above this paragraph?


What the hell did I just read? lmao

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Yeah just lemme grind 6 more hours to get another k98/Garand and put the real deal to premium.
Nice job Gaijin

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Nobody is making you grind anything. Feel free to play another faction, campaign, or game.

Atleast firefly is a counter to panther with its 17pd gun. But Churchill will struggle to penetrate even p4. And stug, p4 is way better than stug. :joy:

They should stay inferior to a fully kitted out squad.

Problem is that your idea already falls apart if you get full 4 man machine gunner squads while base squads can only have 3. Another thing is that they come out decently enough equipped and skilled right out of the box, no need for rolling for skills, unlocking backpacks and purchasing all that extra stuff.

Still is a premium squad though cause you get the XP bonus. Certainly worth less once you finished the campaign but that is only for as long as no new campaign levels appear. Also more XP for getting bronze (and soon silver) orders faster than other players allowing you to progress faster through the game.

It also means that sooner or later you will want to go for other squads instead of simply sticking with the premium ones throughout the entire game. So looking good from my perspective.


But then if you give the premium model the 17pdr that the Mk.7 has, then it would be gamebreaking.