Reinforcements for Enlisted: new campaign levels

Well… consolation is that even if the mg13 got a Mickey Mouse mag attached, the lmg shoots everywhere BUT where you aim at :laughing:

Unless they gave different stats to the premium one… :thinking:

I’m interested in the Lewis… because Lewis thought. But why in Moscow!!! I wanted an old geezer brit to carry it in Tunisia as a gold weapon… :pensive:

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Let’s see.

A Kar98K with a grenade launcher (but this time a AT grenade that supposedly is still lethal against infantry). Will have to test it but considering the tanks running around and the weapon choices this is very underwhelming.

The M1 Garand with a nade launcher might be usefull as people always complain about the Carbine so a semi auto with a nade launcher might be a nice updgrade.

Plane wise the 410 being introduced is worse than the 410 already available. This one only has 20mm cannons by the looks of it and rockets. I see no reason to bother with it. Useless filler level for axis. Could have at least got a version that can drop bombs.

The P 51 is basically another fighter bomber. So if you love doing nothing else but playing planes and dropping bombs that’s the thing for you. Unless you already got both fighter squads with P47s.

Premium vehicles are eh. Stug III G is a classic but considering the tanks you can run in to likely not worth it. Churchill is likely another lower level axis tank bully like the Jumbo but will likely melt vs the Panther.

The new Flamethrowers are nice and I do prefer the longer ranged ones, though the higher ammo count of the shorter ranged ones has also come in handy for me.

T-28E could be a real monster and I am kind of worried as the APHE shell will likely shake up the game quite a bit. Can’t say if the extra armor will help. Might also be a good gauge of what would happen if the T-34 was introduced.

The extra armor on the IV F1 can be a real help if it has not already been emplemented on the E. Might even be able to frontally handle 45mm cannons at sufficient distance.

As for the premium squads. Interesting choices and pretty good guns by the looks of it. Though lewis might be more a DP-27 sidegrade while the MG-13 might be a full on upgrade and best mg in moscow thanks to ammo.

All in all I would say meh and allied advantage on Normandy and nice for Moscow with some concern with the premium squads. THey should stay inferior to proper squads.

Although I would normally agree, for him, for this tank, I’ll pay to play. This one time.

Nope berlin and tunisia

Dear diary
Today me and fellow developers, copied and pasted a lvl 17 gren squad, into a lvl 33 gren squad, yay for the team
End day


It says to all

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what the heck did i unlocked the german trooper squad II at level 17 with grenade launchers if i get another squad of k98s with grenade launchers at level 33?

to have an upgrade for anti tank capability?

what mines and tnt are for then?

unlocking another m1 garand at level 33 when i got the ability to unlock them at level 7?

what is wrong with you all.

no one cares nor will bother?

the fighters, newer moscow tanks and flametrhowers, i can somewhat be happy and understand them as they make sense…

for the rest, i’m a bit disappointed.


hmmm bho! maybe it is poorly translated, however not that that changes things with the levels that will be added in 6 days

I think the churchill and stug are for Normandy … Tunisia premiums haven’t been announced …

ah. thank god i just miss readed

You would think, by doing this, they would be more attractive to buy and thus equal more income! Yep, make 'em like normal squads!

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If you are trying to burn your bridges with your longest financial supporters by offering engis on new premium squads with no way to add them to old premium squads, you are succeeding…

Pretty fucking pissed off now.

If you are planning on allowing players to upgrade older premium squads to add an engi it would be very wise to add that information now before you have a riot on your hands.


my wallet is shut untill they let me have more soldiers on current premium squads . including a engineer.

i want this :

in this :

untill then. not a single cent from me.

cant care less if they deliver a unique squad, a timed squad or what ever.
this is serious underwelming for the people that are suporting the game , including myself. premium squads make no sence for the ones that want , like me, to have them and support the game for everyone.


what is the point of the me 410 if its just a slightly worse bf 110 (which you get at lvl 4 btw) locked behind 60+ hours of gameplay?


the game is very alive for premiums and more premiums, greed will be the bane of this game, which unfortunately had everything to take off, is crawling the game is free but offers many premiums few free content, 1 tank premium / other free / 1 premium other free was the ideal thing to do, but months and months go by without free content and premium tanks one after the other, not to mention that the value of these tanks is absurd, with the price of a premium tank I can buy several Hell LET LOOSE between other games, absurd value, lack of free and premium content and more premium, a total disregard of those who still insist on the game.


There is no point. It sucked in Berlin it will suck in Normandy

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Exactly my thoughts … .
If it was April first I would understand. I always want to be positive and supportive, but this dev blog really is something else. Why?! There is not one single thing I am excited about.


the only things here i find semi interesting is the mg premium squads. but they actually have good guns so i predict they will cost atleast 5 000 gold each. and if so i will just not bother

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Agreed that they are interesting.
But not really for me, as for my liking the premium squads are to expensive.


Yep they are

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