Reinforcements at the Battle for Moscow

Awsome work guys! :slight_smile: I hope you plan to bring something badass to Normandy as well. Kinda Bomber squad, new Assault weapons etc :smiley: Looking forward. Berlin will hit hard im sure, keep it up :wink:

Do you ever tries being wiped 3 times?
I do.
CAT wipe.
mid CBT wipe from lv22 to lv18 and bug causing me unable to record xp
end CBT wipe

I will never play any part of the game that not recording my main progression-- the campaign level.

I am referring to this part: “Only 3 new campaign levels is really boring.”

Who is forcing you? I play Moscow only for now, personal preference.

You are max campaign level on Moscow campaign but will not play any part in the game?

And I thought that Google translate improved…

I hope it will not be better than the rest (Mosin in particular) with it’s small caliber. I will abandon the game fast if on higher levels every Soviet caries a SVT and Arisaka :rofl:

There is also a problem from players demanding neverending new content in present campaigns. What, we will end up with Tigers and Panters in Moscow, or again with paper designs that never left the drawing table? :sneezing_face:

Somehow I am feeling Déjà - vu, same excitement when WarThunder was young. Then it changed so much that some of us asked for only one historical event or one nation vs nation event per day, nothing more. As expected, we were ignored and rejected. I hope my feeling will in the long run be wrong.


just been thinking that what does finnish white-guard m28 rifle that was produced about 30k total and none exported do in germany? it would have been more historically accurate to add finnish kp/m31 squad cause germany bought 3k of them

No need for yet another automatic weapon premium squad. It’s just about time to break that meta a bit.

Any illusion of historical accuracy seems no longer be the case of interest for Darkflow, so screw it, I wouldn´t even be surprised if we get King Tiger fighting Shermans on D-day at this point (or some other same level of bs).


Миномётчик и сапёр, есть разница?

Okay, but why T-50? That tank is a beast and can be only hardly countered. Also was, more or less, just a prototype. You should rethink this one.


Anybody got any images of the weaponstats on those guns from the premium squads?