Reinforcements at the Battle for Moscow

Reinforcements are arriving soon, commanders! In the upcoming major update, the “Battle for Moscow” campaign will receive 3 new campaign levels with squads, weaponry and vehicles for each side. We will also introduce premium squads for the support specialties, available to purchase with Enlisted Gold.


Radio operators are trained to use mobile radio stations which will be carried in a backpack slot. Using the radio station will allow you to call in an artillery strike, which can potentially decimate manpower over a large area and can even destroy armored vehicles if hit directly.


Squad specialization: radio operator. There may be up to 5 units in this squad, 2 of which can be radio operators.

New weapons


AVS-36 — The Simonov automatic rifle has a very high fire rate and offers a burst fire mode, which makes it suitable for both close quarters and long range engagements! The high accuracy and versatility of this weapon will allow these radio operations to excel in firefights.

Historical information about the squad

The division took part in the battle of Smolensk. Since October 1941 the division has been fighting the advancing forces of the Center Army Group


Squad specialization: radio operator. There may be up to 5 units in this squad, 2 of which can be radio operators.

New weapons


ZH-29 — A Czechoslovakian semi-automatic rifle which entered German service after the occupation of Czechoslovakia. The rifle offers balanced features and a good damage output, but with only 10 round magazines you’ll have to land your shots carefully.

Historical information about the squad

The division took part in the invasion of Poland and in the French campaign. Since October 1941, the division has been operating as part of the Center Army Group during the Battle of Moscow.


Mortarmen are adept at handling the full range of anti-tank weapons: grenade launchers, anti-tank rifles, and of course standard rifles too, alongside their heavier weaponry.


Squad specialization: anti-tank. There may be up to 9 units in this squad, 3 of which can be mortarmen.

New weapon

PTRS 41 — A legendary self-loading anti-tank rifle with 45mm of armor penetration and a 5 round magazine. The ability to fire without long reloads greatly increases the effectiveness of the weapon and even allows it to be used against infantry. Soldiers stand no chance against a shot this powerful, but remember to keep in mind that this bulky weapon will make aiming difficult.

Historical information about the squad

The division participated in the Polish campaign and in the Soviet-Finnish war. In August 1941 it was deployed into action during the Battle of Smolensk after which the division headed toward Moscow to defend the capital from the advancing Wehrmacht forces.


Squad specialization: anti-tank. There may be up to 9 units in this squad, 3 of which can be mortarmen.

New weapon

GrB-39 — A modification of the PzB anti-tank rifle converted to fire AP grenades, the armor penetration of which reaches 60mm. This was a precursor to the introduction of the handheld grenade launcher and quite an effective alternative to the anti-tank rifles of the time. The slow flight speed of the grenade and its predominantly cumulative effect makes it a challenging weapon to use against infantry. Although a direct hit from a grenade is still just as deadly for any soldier.

Historical information about the squad

This division participated in the Polish campaign, and later the French campaign, after which it remained in France until March 1941. In April 1941, the division was transferred to East Prussia in preparation for the invasion of the Soviet Union.


The new tanks available at this level can be used by any tanker squad. You can change the vehicle in the Soldiers menu by clicking on the vehicle icon in the squad.

USSR | T-50

This light tank has good driving characteristics and impressive armor for its class. Great for flanking attacks and infantry support. Hard to kill, fast and compact.


This new modification of the Panzer III comes with an effective armor upgrade - up to 53 mm on the front plate and 50 mm protecting the turret face as well. And all this without suffering any loss to maneuverability. As a result, this tank came so well balanced, that it was used until the end of the war.


In this upcoming major update we will also introduce new premium squads. Soldiers in these squads are of rank IV and come with a 100% experience bonus and campaign progress bonus.


Squad specialization: Fighter pilot. The squad itself comes fully upgraded and requires no leveling or development. It contains one fighter pilot of the IVth rank and the I-16 Type-24.

New aircraft

И-16 Тип-24

I-16 Type-24 is incredibly agile and well suited for maneuvering at low altitudes. The Type-24 has the most powerful engine used on this model, giving it some very impressive flight characteristics for such a small plane. Piloted by an experienced player, the I-16 will be very dangerous to any German aircraft.

The I-16 was the first soviet monoplane-fighter with retractable gear, becoming a model for future fighter development. The I-16 silhouette became one of the most well known in the USSR, you could see it in books, on stamps and featured commonly in the news.


  • 20% additional stamina, 20% additional flight stamina
  • 20% faster flight stamina regeneration
  • 30% wider focused and peripheral vision
  • 100% reduction to the negative effect of head-swinging during sharp maneuvers

Historical information about the squad

The regiment took part in the Soviet-Finnish War. Since the end of summer 1941 it guarded the skies above Moscow.


Squad specialization: Fighter pilot. The squad itself comes fully upgraded and requires no leveling or development. It contains one fighter pilot of the IVth rank and the Bf 109 E-7.

New aircraft

Bf 109 E-7

The light and well balanced 109 “Emil” can comfortably compete against all of its contemporary opponents, while significantly surpassing most of them in terms of firepower. With two 20-mm MG FF/M cannons supplemented by the standard twin machine guns, the 109E can bring down even the most well-defended targets, such as the rugged Soviet SB-2M bomber.


  • 20% more stamina, 20% more flight stamina
  • 20% faster flight stamina regeneration
  • 30% wider focused and peripheral vision
  • 100% reduction to the negative effect of head-swinging during sharp maneuvers

Historical information about the squad

JG27 groups fought in every major theatre, including aiding the offensive of Army Group Center to Moscow.


Squad specialization: engineer. This squad requires no leveling and consists of 4 rank IV soldiers with the “Engineer” specialization.

New weapon

Arisaka Type 38 carbine 1905 г.

Arisaka Type 38 carbine 1905 г. — bolt-action carbine. It offers good damage output as well as a decent fire rate.


  • 50% faster building speed
  • 100% health regeneration out of combat
  • 40% more resources available for buildings
  • 12% faster firearm reload

This squad is capable of constructing all existing engineering constructions.

Historical information about the squad

The division took up defensive positions on the Myshkovo-Sinchayevo line, in October it first saw combat against German troops. In November, the division was replenished with remnants of the 303rd Infantry Division and headed towards Moscow to continue the fight.


Squad specialization: engineer. This squad requires no leveling and consists of 4 rank IV soldiers with the “Engineer” specialization.

New weapon

The М/28 riffle

The М/28 riffle — A sliding bolt action rifle, sporting very high damage.


  • 50% faster building speed
  • 100% health regeneration out of combat
  • 40% more resources available for buildings
  • 12% faster firearm reload

This squad is capable of constructing all existing engineering constructions.

Historical information about the squad

The division participated in the invasion of Poland. Later, as part of the XXIII Corps, the division began preparing for Operation Typhoon.


Does the new radio squads new perks or are they just copy+paste?

What about Normandie?


Probably will be talked about in the next devblog

is that mortarman means mortar crew or AT soldier?

How the f* arisaka rifle is in the moscow? It supposed to be the Imperial Japanese weapon, smh

And how come the mosin m28 be on german’s rifle?


Next Dev-blog.



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Modification of the Mosin rifle. Produced in Finland.


Any word about MG nest replacements?

Prices on the new premiums?
Or is it going to be a surprise))

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i hope that they wil be cheap considering that they dont have weapons that are really powerful.


Their weapons are just bolt carbines so they’re fine
But none of this $15 for nerfed into the ground squads
If they had the full 7 guys I’d be willing to pay that much, but they don’t

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At some point, Russia had less guns than men, and valued guns so highly they bought them from absolutely everyone, including the Japanese. A very solid amount of them actually were used during the battle of Moscow.

That said, I’m kinda worried about the tank powercreep going on rn. @Keofox when will the Pz3B, BA-11 and M4A2E3 Jumbo be removed from the game? None of them saw combat during the conflicts they are featured in. BA-11 was a scout vehicle that simply didn’t see combat at that battle, Pz3B was relegated to training units only during Moscow, and Jumbo was not fielded until the period of the battle of the Bulge. Having a StuG model A, ZiS-30 and Firefly or Churchill Mk3 would prove to be much more interesting in terms of diversity while being more historically accurate.


Ba-11 you can use the excuse that it was at Leningrad and just rename Moscow to Barbarossa))

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Now give the T-28 its APHE round to replace the shrapnel so its actually able to defend itself against the Pz38 and PzIIIJ


I’d highly doubt that one would actually end up getting replaced as it is premium, sadly. Maybe remove it from purchase and replace it would fix that.

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I ultimately don’t care about the Ba-11 as the only issue is it wasn’t at Moscow.
It’s not comparable to the Jumbo.

The Russians actually did use some arisakas all be it rare. They were planning to switch to the 6.5 round and even made the Federov automatic rifle 1916 in 6.5. It never panned out though

The japanese supplied Type 38 rifles and carbines to the russians during WW1. but just how many where stil left by the time of the battle of moscow in soviet inventory i dont know.

As for the M28 Mosin that was a Finnish modifcation of the original M1891 Mosin Nagant rifle fitted with new iron sights and a shorter barrel. But as you can imagine these rifles only saw service with the Finnish army and civil guard, so why it is in the hands of the germans in the battle of moscow i have Literally no idea.

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