Reduce the price of rank II and rank III upgrade

There is one improvment that is still only available in Stalingrad.
It’s the price to upgrade from 4 :star: to 5 :star:.

In Stalingrad, the price to upgrade is about 18 bronze order.
In every other campaign it’ 54 bronze order for the rank3 soldiers.

Let’s put everything at 18 and make rank2 and rank3 soldier worth unlocking. Just like in Stalingrad.


Mhhh in stalingrad as usless the same, outiside for unlock assaulter and upgrade weapons

If you are in front your computer, check it. It cost 18 while in other campaigb 54

Still usless they can cost even 1 but they dont have nothing for repey the time Lost for grind them (outside weapon upgrade)

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This is so because Stalingrad is a paid campaign.

Do you have full access? If so, soldier and weapons upgrades costs less than in other campaigns.

In Stalingrad with Full Access all soldier tiers (I / II / III) costs 18 bronze from lvl 4 to lvl 5.

In other campaigns Tier I costs 18 bronze (lvl 4 to 5), Tier II costs 54 bronze (lvl 4 to 5) and Tier III costs 72 bronze (lvl 4 to 5), so it’s even more than OP said.


How many Silver i have?

Well i’m rich right now hohoho, i have 5 Silver Soldiers and 7 Gun Silver hoho

Not enough to roll the best stat on a radioman

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Well… 18 is only for peoples with Full Access.

But i’m agree. I too want cheap Tier 2 and Tier 3…
Or at lease a little bit more then 18, but not 54 and 72.


Is fair


if they dont want to reduce the prices, then they should up the perk points drastically

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72 actually for Final rank 3 upgrade. Its insane. And there was no real boost in bronze accumulation nor any conversion system for Silver to Bronze.

Its one part of the Economy that could use some adjustments still.

Totally agree with you. Nevertheless:
If I need bronze orders for soldiers I buy tier 3 soldiers and sell them. Gives you minimum 3 cards. Yesterday I bought 10 tier 3 assaulters and gained 200 bronze cards due to 4 and 5 star soldiers.
I know it’s like gambling and doesn’t excuse the fact the bronze orders are always lacking.

Well the game has monetized even his pants, what you expect