Reconnaissance plane to Radist

The Reconnaissance aircraft will mark enemy Rally Points, Vehicles, Machine Guns, Cannons and Air Defenses. The plane will scan only Free zones, there will be no Gray zone, and the plane itself can be shot down.


I’ll agree provided that it’s a single pass by fast-moving plane that marks everything along a line once, and those markers expire at the default speed. 30 seconds from call-in to effect for the AI plane to spawn, and anyone along the path to react.

2 minute cooldown by default, 1 minute on a radio squad.

In all cases, if the marked targets are destroyed, the player who called in the plane gets an assist.


Would love to see that being added to the UHU

Recon planes would be a good addition for when your team can’t be bothered to provide marks

I personally like how Rising Storm 2 did recon planes, they fly above the map in slow circles and ping things, kind of an easy target to be shot down but provides a significant advantage if nobody bothers to remove it

Already ingame as event plane.