Recoilless Rifles for Engineers and AT Gunners

New Engineer Buildables for AT Gunner II Squads
Would take less time to build, take up less space, have larger aiming angles, and could be moved around faster (carried, even). However they should not replace standard guns in the build menu as they have some weaknesses.

Allies (Normandy/Pacific) → Western Allied Forces
M20 Recoilless Rifle

75 mm recoilless rifle introduced during the last months of the war. Used by the US in both the European and Pacific theatres. Ammunition options: HEAT, HE, smoke.

Axis (Moscow/Normandy/Berlin/Tunisia/Stalingrad) → Axis Forces
7.5 cm Leichtgeschütz 40

75 mm recoilless rifle introduced in 1941 during the Battle of Crete. Extensively used by German paratroopers and mountain troops in all theatres with German involvement. Ammunition options: HE, AP.

Soviet Forces
The USSR did not have a recoilless rifle in service during the war, however they did experiment with them before and after. A notable example is the “Model 1935 76 mm DRP”, also referred to as the “BPK-76” which entered production in the early 1930s but was decommissioned soon after, and the designer was executed.

New Infantry Weapon for AT Gunners
Allies (Normandy/Pacific) → Western Allied Forces
M18 Recoilless Rifle

57 mm recoilless rifle introduced during the last months of the war. Used by the US in the European (including Italy) and Pacific theatres. Ammunition options: HEAT, HE, WP smoke, canister.

Weapon Update
The GrB-39 could receive the standard “Schießbecher” grenade for anti-infantry use to match the flexibility of the M18. However, I do not think it should receive the “Gross Panzergranate 61” as it would be too powerful.

Ammo Selection
As the M18 has 4 different types of ammunition, I’d propose a new UI in the menu where you can select the amount of each shell you want to bring into battle. And when using a new keybind on an ammo crate (such as “T”) you would be able to choose what shells you receive in a similar UI. Same system could apply to the GrB-39.


Don’t know if that could work or be standard AT gunner class shit , though I am surprised we haven’t have had heavy at yet


I mean they would kinda just work the same as normal cannons but you could build them in tighter spots and rougher terrain.




EDIT: I’ve realized that the video I shared was of a later model. It still covers the development of all the models so I’ll paste it here.

Buildable for paratroopers perhaps?


I thought about that and dismissed it as only the LG 40 has been used by paratroopers. But on second thought, the M20 would still make a lot more sense than the 57 mm AT gun.

I was thinking something similar. Good place to put them is with Paras.

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I have asked for them before