Reclaiming the past

I suggest re-purchasing a terminated squad. Upon completion, you received 10,000 silver as a reward.
Here, I suggest re-purchasing a terminated squad. A terminated squad will return to its initial state of level 1. Players can order it again for 100,000 silver.
With the above, I suggest re-ordering a terminated squad.


Selling them was permanent

Sorry. This is a translation from Japanese, so there are some mistakes. You can’t repurchase now, but I hope for the future where you can repurchase squads. This is just an opinion.

You will never be able to get them back

Yeah, unfortunately Dark Force is stubborn and not wanting to give us the chance to get them back, which in my mind as a former Sales Manager is the stupidest thing I have every heard, since money is the reason why Dark Force is in this business, and they are pissing away a ton of money that people would spend for these legacy squads.

Of course, maybe they think they will keep them back and someday, bring them up for a special limited time and make tons of money off it, but TBH, they could make that money now instead of waiting too long, pissing off their player base meanwhile other games are coming out siphoning off players from Enlisted. If they never offer them, well, then that shows the lack of business sense someone at DF has. :rofl: Not gonna lie, but at the point when the game is in decline, DF will wish they would have sold these squads back when they had the chance because at that point people won’t care about them.


Oh, I’m so sorry. This game is my biggest favorite. I’ve been passionate about this game. Now that you have completed all the tech trees, there is nothing to research further. I want to go to the battlefield with a fresh feeling. Some of the units that were disbanded were ones that I took care of and nurtured. All I want now is to take my nostalgic troops to the battlefield and perfect them. What the DF should do is give the players who sold their squads due to lack of silver the right to repurchase them with silver.


For players who join the game after the merger event, it is very painful to see their favorite team without any way to obtain it.

Please provide us with a way to purchase old squads, even if it means replacing existing ones. My two main forces have been war criminals in history and I can no longer tolerate them :sob:

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